Learning through Translating: ブラックジャックによろしく Manga

第1話 研修医の夜

Episode 1, the nights of an intern

(links to Episode 1 analysis will be here)

Places and names↓
  • 斉藤 英二郎 (さいとう えいじろう): the main character. He is an idealist who wants to be a doctor to help people as opposed to become rich.
  • 永禄大学: the Eiroku (or Eternal Fortune) university, where Saitou graduates. Abbreviation: 永大.
  • 誠同病院: Seidou hospital, a private hospital where Saitou does part-time job at night.
  • 服部 脩(はっとり おさむ): director of Seidou hospital.
  • 牛田 克雄(うしだ かつお): doctor that works at night at Seidou hospital. He tells Saitou some ugly truths about private hospitals in Japan.
The story so far : page by page↓
  • A : 8千人…
    8000 people…
    Banner: 永禄大学医学部卒業式
    Ceremony of graduation of the medicine faculty of the Eiroku University
  • B : 毎年8千人が全国に81ある大学医学部を卒業してゆく
    Every year 8000 people graduate from the 81 medical faculties existing nationwide
  • C : 君達はその8千人のトップの80人である!
    From that 8000, you are the top 80!
  • D : 日本の医療を 背負っていくのは 君達です!!
    You all are carrying Japan’s healthcare system!!
  • A : Other doctor: 眠そうだな斉藤…
    You seem somnolent, Saitou
  • B : Saitou: うんさっきまで当直だったから
    Yeah, I was on duty until just now
  • C : きのうの朝からもう24時間以上ここにいるよ
    I have been here more than 24 hours since yesterday morning, you know
    Other doctor: オレも
    me too
  • D : 教授の実験の手伝いでさ…
    I assisted the professor’s experiment…
  • E : 3時間しか寝てねえ
    I only slept 3 hours, you know
  • F : Saitou: じゃあ僕の勝さだ。
    Well, I win then…
  • G : 2時間しか寝てない
    I only slept 2 hours.
  • A : 永禄大学医学部卒業から3ヶ月
    It’s been 3 months since my graduation from Eiroku university (in medical science)
  • B : 僕は今永禄大学附属病院で研修医をしている。
    I am currently doing my medical residency at Eiroku hospital.
  • C : チューッ
    (Sound Katakana of a doctor administering a needle)
  • D & E : Other intern: ホラ斉藤! Look at Saitou!
    He always makes such a face when doing and injection!
  • A : 研修医というのは要するに見習いだ。
    To put it simply, they say an intern must learn by observation
  • B : 医者になるには大学で6年間医学を学び
    In order to become a doctor, you study medical science at university for 6 years
  • C : 医師国家試験に合格しなければいけない
    and you must pass the National Medical Practitioners Qualifying Examination
  • D & E : ところがその国家試験は医学の知識をみるもので
    However, that national exam looks at medical knowledge, and doesn’t include things like a practical skill exam!
  • F : そこで 医師免許を 取得した者の 大半は その後2年間 大学病院などで研修をする。
    Most of the people who have gotten their Physician’s License spend the next two years in residency at a place like a university hospital
  • G : Doctor: もっと術野を広げろ斉藤
    Spread the operative field more, Saito
    Saito: はい Yes
  • H : Saitou: 手術の後でうまそうにメシを食べってる自分が嫌いで。
    I dislike the part of me that’s able to enjoy a meal after surgery
  • I : Dekune: なあ、斎藤…
    I will lose my heart
  • J : Saito: 何言ってんだよ!
    What are you saying?
    We support Japanese Medical Care!
  • L : Narrator: 1日平均労働時間16時間
    I work 16 hours a day
    for a monthly salary of 38,000 yen
  • M : 日給ではなく月給である
    There’s no daily wages, it’s monthly salary.
    (“O” & “N” inverted, yes)
  • O : うちの病院の待遇が特別に悪いわけではない
    it doesn’t mean the salary of our hospital is particularly bad
    In the public sector they (wages) seem a bit higher, but approximately 70% of the monthly wages of an intern on a private university still don’t exceeds 100,000 yen
  • N : その給料で寮も食事もないんだから生活できるわけない。
    Whith this salary, there is no dormitory nor food, therefore there’s no way you can live [off it]
  • P & Q : Director: それでは斎藤くん
    Well then, Saitou
    Today, you will sart a part time job for being on duty at our hospital
    (Hospital name: 誠同病院, Seidou hospital)
  • R & S : 斉藤英い二郎25歳
    Eijirou Saitou, 25 years old.
    Eiroku University Medical School graduate…
    この病院の当直は 初めて……と……
    This hospital’s shift, for the first time…and…
  • T : 永大卒は……エリートって奴だな
    E.U. graduate, elite class
  • U : Saitou: はい。永大の名に恥じぬようがんばります。
    Yes, I’ll do my best not to bring shame on the name E.U.
  • V : Director: 今日は初日という事で特別にもう一人当直がいる。
    Since this evening is going to be your first day, there’ll exceptionally be one extra person on duty
    Ask that extra person on how to “do/work”
  • W : Saitou: ではよろしく。
    Thanks for that.
    Narrator: これが研修医の現実だ
    This is the reality of being a physician

(“A” has no text)

  • B : Saitou: 初めまして。当直のバイトに やってきました 永大の斉藤です。
    Pleased to meet you. I am Eternal University’s Saitou, I have come for the part-time work duty shift.
  • C & D : あ…あの…、永大から当直に来ました斉藤です…。
    Uh… I’m Saito from Eidai. I came here for the work duty.
  • E : Ushida: 食っとけ 食える時に食っとけ…
    “Eat now! Eat now in the moment you can eat!”
  • F & G : Ushida: そして寝とけ。寝れるときに寝とけ。
    And then sleep. Sleep when you can sleep
    (panel: 宿直室, night duty room​)
  • 1 : (panel: 救急用入口, Emergency Entrance)
    (numbers mixed: 4, 5, 2, 3)
  • 4 : Saitou: 誠同病院…ベッド数120…
    Seido hospital… 120 beds…
  • 5 : 地域の中核をになう大規模病院…か
    a large hospital that carries on his shoulder the center of the area
  • 2 : 勤務医は3人…最初の人が院長で、さっきの人が牛田さん。
    Three doctors working at the hospital… The first person is the director, and the person just now is Mr. Ushida.
  • 3 : 今夜は僕と牛田さんの2人きり…
    This evening there is only two people, me and Ushida…
  • 6 : Ushida: 急ぐぞ!こっから先は戦場だ!
    Hurry! it will soon be a battle field!
    Saitou: はい!! Yes!!
  • 7 & 8 : Ambulance crew: 患者は20歳の男性!! 30分程前にバイクで転倒
    The patient is a 20 year male!! He went down on his motorcycle about 30 minutes ago
    [His] left leg is broken!!
  • 9 : Ushida: 血算、生化と血型を大至急!!
    RBC, chemical scan and blood type, as soon as possible!!
  • 10 : 濃厚赤血球を10パシク取り寄せろ!!
    Order 10 units of packed red blood cells.
  • 11 : 永大出!!
    EiDai guy! Do a bypass injec’ of lactec, 100ml full open hydro corn!
  • 12 : 遅いぞ!永大出!
    You are slow! Eidai-guy!
    When you’re finished, run a blood cross-compatibility test.
  • A : Saitou: すいません… sorry
    I haven’t been helpful at all
  • B : Ushida: 落ち込んでるヒマなんかねーぞ
    There is no free time to be depressed
  • C : 始まるのは これからだ
    This starts now…
  • D : Saitou: 牛田さん!血圧が下がっています!
    Mister Ushida! Her pressure is falling!
  • E : Ushida: いいからだまって輸血しろ!!
    Ok then, shut up and do a transfusion!
    She rages to such an extent… Oh! she (her health) will be OK then!
  • F : (on the phone): 事故です!患者は胸を打って、呼吸がうまくできないそうです!
    It’s a car accident! The patient hit his chest and he can’t breath well so he is transferred.
  • G : 60代の男性!交差点で正面衝突、意識不明です!
    60’s year old! frontal collision at an intersection, he is unconscious!
  • H : Saitou: スゴイな……牛田…… (この人)
    Awesome……Ushida (this person)……
  • I : Saitou: この病院はすばらしいです
    This hospital is wonderful
    It’s definite (certain) that it will not refuse ambulances
  • J : Ushida: 素人みてーな事言ってんじゃねーよ… お前…
    Don’t say things an amateur would say… you…
  • K : 医者の診療行為は全部点数制になってる…
    The medical acts of a doctor are all based on a point system…
    stick a finger up someone’s butt and you get 42 points… draw blood and you get 12 points.
  • L : その点数の合計が医療保険から医者に支払われる
    The total of those points are paid to the doctor by the medical care insurance
    any point gives 10 yen

And the transcription of the table:
(I’ll put reading and meaning too)

  • 初診料 250点 / しょしんりょう にひゃくごじゅうてん : 初診料 : fee for initial medical examination (初=first time, 診=(medical) examination, 料=fee, charge)
  • 深夜加算 : night supplement; compound of 加算【カ・サン】, added supplement; and 深夜【シン・ヤ】, late at night (深=deep, 夜=evening, night)
  • 超音波検査 = ultrasound examination; from (超音波【チョウ・オン・パ】, ultrasound wave (超=extremely, ultra, 音=sound, 波=wave) and 検査【ケン・サ】, examination, scan.
  • 末梢血液 一般検査 : 一般【イッ・パン】means common, ordinary; so it’s the common examination; 末梢【マッ・ショウ】means peripheral, minor details, and 血液【ケツ・エキ】is a more technical word for blood (血=blood, 液=fluid); so it’s a “peripheral blood common examination”…
  • 血液学的検査 : hematological scan (血液=blood, 学=science, hence 血液学【ケツ・エキ・ガク】= the science of blood, eg: hematology; 的【テキ】is a suffix that makes adjectives out of nouns, so “hematology”+的 → hematological; and 検査=examination, scan as seen previously
  • 判断料 : 料【リョウ】 is fee and 判断 【ハン・ダン】is judgment, decision… it is the cost of laboratory results interpretation.
  • 合計【ゴウ・ケイ】: total, sum

the sum is 1433 points, that is for 14330 yen.

  • 1 : Ushida: ところが交通事故の場合はちょっと違う…
    When it comes to traffic accident however, it’s a little different…
    The medical expenses are covered by the mandatory vehicle insurance and not the health insurance.
  • 2 : "自由診療"って言ってな……
    So called “freedom of consultation”…
    この場合 “ー点単価” 要するに一点の 値段を 医者が勝手に 決められる
    In this case, the “single point unit price” means that the doctor can decide the price of one point
  • 3 : Saitou: … って事はつまり…
    … that thing, in other words …
    In the case of traffic accidents, the medical bill can amount to as much as one wants ?
  • 4 : Ushida: 気づいて いたか……?
    Did you notice……?
    ウチが受け入れて いるのは交通事故の 患者だけだ……
    We are only receiving traffic accident patients……
  • 5 : この病院は交通事故の場合、一点単価は40円
    At 40 yen a point for traffic accident, this hospital is also overcharging four times as ordinary.
  • 6 : 結局 金なんだよ… 社会奉仕でやってるわけじゃねぇ…
    In the end, it’s all about money, the motive isn’t to serve society.
  • 7 : Narrator: バイト代は8万円だった
    It was 80,000 yen from the part time job.
    In a single night, it gave him twice as much as his monthly salary as an intern.
  • 8 : Dekune: きのうも睡眠時間3時間…
    Yesterday as well, I slept for 3 hours.
    The medical interns are the most unhealty on the world
  • 9 : で……そっちはどうだった? バイト……
    So……How was it? The part time job……?
  • 10 : Saitou: 誰だろう…?
    I wonder… who is?
    Dekune: また 亡くなっちゃったんだな…
    the thing is … again… they die
  • 11 : Saitou: 受けとっちゃっていいのかな… この8万円…
    Taking those 80000yen… Is it really okay?
  • 12 : Dekune: いーんじゃ ねーのー そんだけ働いたんだし
    Um, well, hey… it’s why I work……
  • 13 : Saitou: だけど… こんなお金…
    But that money/however that money.
  • 14 : 僕は汚い大人になんかなりたくない…
    I don’t want to become a corrupted person (adult)/ dirty adult
  • 15 : Dekune: オレさ… 正直言って医者になりたいって思った事ないのよ…
    As far as I’m concerned, I haven’t thought why I wanted to become a doctor.
  • 16 : 受験戦争のエスカレーターに乗ってひたすら上を目指してさ… 気がついたら医者になってた…
    I just rode the exam war escalator, trying my hardest to get to the top… Next thing I knew, I’d become a doctor…
  • 17 : 医者って… 一体なんなんだろうな…
    You said a doctor… What does that even mean…?
  • 1 : 事故です20代の男性
    An accident, 20 years old male…
  • 2 : 外傷・打撲全身に骨折の可能性があります。
    …A car accident, 20 years old male with possibly fractures over the whole body
  • 3 : レベル30呼吸24脈拍120です
    Level 30, breathing at 24 and pulse at 120.
  • 4 : 本部急いで下さい
    Bring him quickly to the hospital.
  • 5 : こっちは』発できる状態です!
    We’re ready to to go.
  • 6 : 受け入れ準備できました‼︎
    We’re ready to receive him/the preparation to receive him are done/it is now possible to receive him.
  • 7 : あと10分で救急車が来ます
    The ambulance will be there in 10 minutes/the ambulance will come in 10 minutes.
  • 8 & 9 : Nurse:先生!! 早く手術場に入って下さい!!
    Doctor! Hurry and come (enter) to the the surgery room!
    Saitou : 分かってます‼︎
  • 10
  • 11
  • 12
  • 13
  • 14
  • 15
  • 16
  • 17 : Nurse1: どうしたのかしら…あの先生…
    Nurse2: 戻ってこないわ
  • 18 & 19
  • 1 (I) : Saitou: 違う‼︎夜中に僕みないな研修医を一人しか置かない病院が悪いんだ‼︎
    You’re wrong! The hospital left only a single intern like me in the middle of the night, and that’s wrong/bad!
  • 2a (J) : 医者『が』足りないなら救急車なんて受け入れなきゃいい
    If there isn’t enough doctors one shouldn’t admit ambulances
  • 2b (K) : 院長はお金が欲しいだけじゃないですか‼︎
    Hospital directors, is money the only thing you care about/want?!
  • 3 : Director: で? 人の命を救うんだ… 金をふんだくって何が悪い?
    Huh? We save the life of people… what is wrong with asking a lot of money?
  • 4 : そもそも オレがお金を とる事と お前がオぺを しなかった事に 何の関係がある?
    first, you not having done an operation, what relationship is there with me taking money?
  • 5 : 新人だろうが半人前だろうが患者にとってお前は医者だ。
    You’re a doctor but you’re a rookie and not a man yet but you take on patients, you’re a doctor.
  • 6 : オペに失敗したら殺人だと
    failing up the operation is a murder you say?
    f you think about it, the bad thing is actually the person that provoked the accident
  • 7 : 必ずオペはしろ……聞こえのいい正論を口にするな
    don’t say nice-sounding [politically correct] things
  • 8 : 正しいってのは弱いって事だ
    The proper thing, is to be weak
  • 9 : 強いってのは悪い事だ
    Being strong is a bad thing
  • 10 : 医師免許取った瞬間からお前は普通の人間ではない…強くなれ
    From the moment you get your physician’s license you are (no longer) an ordinary person. You are stronger
  • A : Dekune: おーーっす
    Saitou: 牛田さん…
    Dekune: Heeeey EiDai-graduate
    Saitou: Ushida
  • B & C : ゆうべは悪かったなー
    ah… I’m sorry for last night…
    ah… I carelessly drank too much and didn’t notice the phone
    What?! So you are still/again depressed?
  • D & E : 昔さ……オレもかみついた事が あるんだよ……
    How it was……I also get (understand?) you…
    Your way of thinking is wrong; healthcare is not a money-making tool, as you think of the director.
  • F : 今でも正しくないと思っている
    Now, however, you’re not thinking about being righteous.
  • G : だけどよ… 正しいって事で自己満足しても何も変わらねえ
    Even if you feel self-satisfied for being right, nothing will change.
  • H : あの人は命を救い続けている… それは事実なんだ…
    He continues to save lives… That is a fact.
  • I : Patient’s family: 無事だったのね‼︎ 無事だったのね‼︎ ヒロシ‼︎
    *You are safe!! You are safe, Hiroshi!!
  • J & K : Saitou: なんなんだ…?
    what is it
    医者って一体 なんなんだ…?
    I wonder what it IS to be a doctor…

The Manga Available Online for Free
Episode 1 : 第1話 研修医の夜
Jisho: dictionary

Note: this episode 1 had also been used at Wasabi site for Japanese Reading Practice with Manga 1-1-1, 1-1-2 and 1-1-3.
The reading exercises had been done without looking at there; but you can compare both, to see how good (or not) these exercises are.

some stats on Ep.1

Exercises started: 2020年4月5日
Exercises finished: 2020年4月20日 (16日かかった)
Number of pages: 58頁
Number of analyses: 155
Number of participants: 5人