84. だから延命処置『を』やめになると言われた時
うしろ【後】back, behind;
来れませんでした: this one was interesting to me. I’m used to 来 lai2 in Chinese which means “to come”. But actually here it has a different meaning entirely.
See, there’s both 来る and 来たる. I think in the current context that is the past negative form of the latter.
来たる can be a pre-noun adjective (which it isn’t here as there is no noun that follows) or:
ⓑ to come, to arrive, to be due to (orig. meaning)
What I think is interesting is that 来る also has a very similar (identical?) meaning:
ⓐ to come (spatially or temporally), to approach, to arrive
(Orig. meaning) makes me think that 来たる might have been the original meaning until it changed to 来る for some reason or another. This makes me conclude that the definitions of both are meant to be identical.
問題: めたくて… what does it mean? Can’t find anything about that in my dictionary.