Learning through Translating: ブラックジャックによろしく episode 4: 夏雲

Re: # 70:


☆New Vocabulary☆
ホラ: look out! (I think it’s generally written in katakana);
ちゃんと: adv. diligently;
そっち: that way;
もって: ⓐ with, by, by means of

:thought_balloon: Here, is she saying:
ちゃんと or ちゃん+と

:speech_balloon: “Look out sensei, you do the sheets this way”

:speaking_head: Discussion

I was thinking about something yesterday.

After episode 4 is done, I wanted to suggest changing our reading material entirely.

For me, the current reading is still challenging but it might be very easy for others.

Also, I was thinking of switching towards newspaper articles but not the simplified NHK ones necessarily. Proper native newspapers. From what I understand it’s the hardest thing to read at least kanji wise.

The advantage of using newspaper articles is that it’s short term time wise. This means that we can constantly have newcomers to participate since the reason of “I wasn’t there at the beginning so I’ll never participate” doesn’t apply.

Preference wise, I personally prefer reading non-fiction to fiction. Reading newspaper articles would allow us to learn about the language as well as learn about the world, essentially killing two birds with one stone.

At the moment I’m mostly the one claiming sentences anyway, I’d say about 2/3 of them so it’s more of an individual process than anything else (regarding the actual translations). The help from @Jonapedia and @ayamedori is precious and essential but it’d like their input to be shared with more people, it’s so important.

It’s not like we were going to translate all of the manga anyway. We’re starting to get sentences which require no translation as our level is improving. Normally, those sentences could be picked up by beginners but the new participation is non-existent with our current format so it doesn’t apply.

The disadvantages are as following from my point of view:

Using text instead of images means we could end up over relying on tool assisted translation. The temptation would be there to copy/paste a lot. As @YanagiPablo said, I too enjoy typing the text and found it allows more language involvement than just copy/pasting.

Could we last a week on a newspaper article? I think it’s possible but we’d have to be wary to pace ourselves less we end up being reported again for creating too many threads.

Let me know your thoughts.

A better Compromise?

I thought the best of both worlds could be a passage from a book.

71. まったくお医者さんってなんで看護婦まかせっきりなんだから!

:speech_balloon: “Truly, why don’t doctors just leave everything to nurses!”

(Not sure)

☆ New Vocabulary ☆

まったく: “really”, “truly”;
看護婦【かんごふ】female nurse;
なんで: why, what for;
まかせっきり: leave everything to someone else;


って: I think this is the は function ayamadori was talking about that one time;

72. 治療『を』再開して間もくない

☆ New Vocabulary ☆

治療【ちりょう】medical treatment, cure;

An Exciting Exploration of a Japanese Dictionary

間【あいだ】span, period of time;
I actually knew this one but I wanted to use a JP-JP dictionary for the first time to get out of my comfort zone.

I decided on goo this time around. Let’s read what I found out.

The very first line I get is:


間 is the particle I looked up followed by the grammatical particle で.
始まる言葉 means “beginning word”.
:thought_balloon: Here they might mean “main entry” by this expression since the first definition of a dictionary is usually the main one.

国語辞書 238
Is what I get next.
国語辞書【こくごじしょ】Japanese-language dictionary;
:thought_balloon: This could be because multi-lingual dictionaries are also supported by Goo. 238 probably refers to ‘entries’.

Here’s what I have next:

あい is the word in kana while 合い is the kanji representation.

合い can mean:

noun, abbreviation
ⓐ between-season wear, spring and autumn clothing, spring and fall clothing (also written as 間, see also: 合服)
ⓑ together
ⓒ condition, situation, state
ⓓ -ish

Here I think it refers to “a condition”. It’s telling us the main category of the word.

:cold_sweat: I don’t know what とも refers to here. 書く means to write. Maybe the kanji working of 間? No idea.

:cold_sweat: 合い着【あいぎ】means “between season gear”. Maybe it’s an example of how 間 can be used? No idea. 合い服 is a synonym of 合い着.

:cold_sweat: 略 means abbreviation. So 合い服 is an abbreviation of 合い着? How so? Don’t know.

:cold_sweat: 2名詞 means two nouns, so maybe the two entries we just saw with 合い服 and 合い着? Don’t know.

下に means “down”…

付く means to be attached…

接尾語 means a suffix…

用いる means to use…

So if someone could give me through this I’d be very happy because I’m very confused.