Lawn vocabs

I’ve just finished level 42 today and 4 new vocab with the kanji for lawn.

芝 lawn
芝草 lawn
芝生 lawn
東芝 toshiba

Even with their respective context sentence, I can’t differentiate their nuances.
Since the also have the exact same meaning, this makes kaniwani pure guess work. Same goes with 軸、中軸、枢軸、中枢 too but their nuances a slightly more clear


しば - drama
やみしば - a very scary anime that shouldn’t be watched, especially, before going to bed. :fearful:


You’re not actually confused about that one are you?


yeah I was confused with these words too

芝草 lawn
芝生 lawn

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For this sort of “what’s the subtle difference between vocab” questions, Google Image Search can often help quite a bit. 芝草 generally gets me close-up images of the grass itself, while 芝生 tends to show the lawn as a whole.

Like the Leebo said, though, you’re not confused about the difference with 東芝, are you?


I totally used this to look up streets (道、通り) but was afraid to admit it - good to know I’m not the only one!

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