Language Connection Fridge Magnet Poetry. (Based on a Koichi learning tip)

Hiya strangers. 

Hoovard, I hope you don't mind, but I cannibalized your script and turned it into a website. Partly because it doesn't always show up on my WK dashboard for whatever reason that I didn't bother to look into, but mostly for fun and to add some of the features that have been requested and I know websites better than userscripts. Hoovard, if you do mind (apologies for not asking permission), I can take it down.



- minor visual changes (I like bright WK colors!) 

- you can set WaniKani level, and a list of level-appropriate nouns/adjectives/verbs will be downloaded and set as your CSV lists (note: if you change level and download a new set of words, any custom words in that category will be deleted! keep a copy of these words elsewhere or store them in 'custom') 

- right-click to conjugate verbs/adjectives/nouns (disclaimer, may not be accurate) 

- Tweet your final product! Handy 'Tweet' button when you click [C] to copy 

- each 'set' (including first) can be deleted ([X] is over on left to prevent accidental clickage) 

- groups of words can be dragged between sets 

- creating a new set creates a blank group that you can drag words to 

- 'get words' adds words to first set's first group, or if first set is empty creates a group and then adds words to it 


(click drag groups of words to sort them)

(handy ‘Tweet’ button to share your final product)

(right click to conjugate a word, also see the blank group in the set at the top you can drag into)

My lists of words have been sorted via script, and words are conjugated via script (which I originally wrote for this project /t/WaniConjugation-Practice-conjugating-verbs-RFC/10563/1 and adapted to use here). If you notice an error please let me know. 


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nadagio said... Hiya strangers. 

Hoovard, I hope you don't mind, but I cannibalized your script and turned it into a website. Partly because it doesn't always show up on my WK dashboard for whatever reason that I didn't bother to look into, but mostly for fun and to add some of the features that have been requested and I know websites better than userscripts. Hoovard, if you do mind (apologies for not asking permission), I can take it down.


 Hey, No, I don't mind at all. It looks great. It does all the things I was going to add (but haven't had time) and more. Nice work. Thanks for sharing.

(Your link has an extra t in it though)

EDIT: You should make your own new thread for this so Shotgunlagoon can add it to the list apps.

Awesome, glad to have your stamp of approval. :slight_smile: Thanks for pointing out the typo, and for making this fun script. I’ll go ahead and make another post then.

it isnt working anymore :frowning:

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Not working?

I downloaded it and TamperMonkey says that it installed right, but I’m not seeing it on the dashboard nor the options bar where the rest of the plugins are shown.

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Probably doesn’t work anymore. I am removing it from the list