& - [UPDATE: Satori Reader Sync] - Grammar SRS, Grammar Lessons, Reading Exercises, Vocabulary, Kanji and more!

@neicul Any updates on the IOS app? :slight_smile:


Working on it! Got a little bit distracted with other (web) features and related projects (like the knowledge base) lately, but Iā€™m back to work on the apps 80% of the time.

Itā€™s getting to a point where the end is in sight for a first version so I hope to release it relatively soon :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


excited sounds


Yay! Cannot wait! :partying_face:




Iā€™ve tried many SRSā€™. Anki. Bunpro. KameSame. KaniWani. Torii. However, they all didnā€™t stick with me for some reason. Until now, the only SRS which I do religiously is WaniKani.

Until now.

Kitsun. Holy cow. The ability to import entire news articles, blogs and online novels into the app, and then automatically having furigana for everything and being able to see a wordā€™s definition at the touch of a button- this is revolutionary.

@neicul You sir, are doing the lordā€™s work.


Thank you!!

Really glad to hear itā€™s working well for you :smiley:

I still wish to introduce additional sources of texts/ (news) articles for the reader as soon as I get some time to work on it again. Hopefully soon! :smiley:


Iā€™m really enjoying this new feature so far! :slight_smile: Great job with it!! I wonder if thereā€™s a place where I can see all my known words, or maybe even how many there are now?

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Really glad to hear that! There is no place for you to check and manage your ā€œglobalā€ known words yet, but itā€™s definitely coming up along with the WK API integration. Iā€™ll be working on it as soon as the first version of the mobile apps is done :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Iā€™ll likely share a general roadmap sometime soon so everyone can see what the team is working on for the next few months/year :smiley:


Glad to hear that! Thank you for all the work youā€™ve put into Kitsun - canā€™t wait to see what else you have in store. :relaxed:

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This weekend I took a break from working on the mobile apps in order to focus on fixing as many bugs for web as I could. While at it I also added a new button on the deck dashboard that will hopefully speed up the process of creating manual cards a little bit :smiley:

New Features:

  • Cards Management - Uppercase is now ignored when searching through your cards.

  • Deck Dashboard - Added a new ā€œAdd Cardā€ button to the page. Clicking the button will open up the same popup as when you click on the ā€œplusā€ button at the manage cards table, but now you wonā€™t have to go to that page and load in all the cards first in order to manually create a new card. Note that it only shows up on your personal decks of course.

  • In order to preserve the screenspace, Iā€™ve removed the ā€œFeedbackā€ button by default. It now only shows when there is actual feedback waiting to be checked.

  • Korean IME Input - Now accepts actual Korean characters as input as well, rather than only (English) characters that get converted automatically.


  • Cards Management - Sorting by Status now works correctly.

  • Session Results Page - Gained Experience is now always displayed accurately between multiple sessions.

  • Cards Management - Fixed an issue with double scrollbars on Firefox browsers.

  • Dictionary Page - Custom Card Popup layout has been fixed.

  • Dictionary Page - Generated Audio has been fixed (this one was hotfixed a while ago)

  • Import - No longer shows the category dropdown when doing manual imports

  • Import - Automatic CSV/TSV/TXT imports now have their id fields set correctly, preventing issues when changing template field names.

  • Community Centre - Styling of the deck ā€œcardsā€ was acting up on certain resolutions or when the sidemenu was expanded. This has been fixed.

  • Add/Edit Card Popup - Selecting a new layout no longer wipes the preview values.

  • Add/Edit Card Popup - Validation is no longer wrongly triggered right after saving a new card.

  • Add/Edit Card Popup - The card preview now correctly refreshes once a user uploads an image or audio.

  • Korean IME Input - Fixed an issue where some android phones (Samsung) were unable to use the auto-conversion.

  • Media Upload - Any newly uploaded media should now get the proper Content-Type header attached to it. Previously this would sometimes be ā€œapplication/octet-streamā€ and prevent playback or display in certain browsers.

  • Popups - All popups now resize based on the content

  • Popups - Selectboxes/dropdowns will now correctly open the options dropdown list above or below, depending on whether there is enough space left below them inside* the popup.

  • Payments - Made a tweak to prevent a failed subscription payment from cancelling another payment (e.g. a payment for lifetime).

  • Push Notifications - Some push notification subscriptions were being removed incorrectly, preventing the user from saving their user settings (hotkeys etc). This has been fixed.

Pfew! Felt good to be working on the website again! Hoping to finish the first version of the apps soon so I can continue working on some new cool features :smiley:


We missed you bro @VegasVed



Itā€™s a helluva coincidence, because Iā€™ve missed you guys too. Iā€™ve been skulking in the background watching you all fly away on the wings of the Crabigator, leaving me behind like Armin deserves to be. :joy:


Hopefully this time you get to fly away as well :slight_smile:


Iā€™m also getting double scrollbars on Chrome. :pensive:

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Just to be sure, you are talking about having two scrollbars inside the cards table?

This is how it should look like in Chrome ^

If possible, could you provide a screenshot and/or let me know which OS/Device and resolution you are getting the bug on?


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Oop, sorry I guess thatā€™s not the same issue. Mine is in the Cards Management, but inside the cards themselves:

See on the right side of the window there are two scrollbars. I started noticing it maybe ~2-3 weeks ago? I only see it on the Back preview, I guess because it has more information than the Front.

I only use Chrome browser, but I see it in both Windows and Mac OS. I donā€™t see it in mobile.

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Ah, that scrollbar is there because the card preview is the height of your screen, so when the content is larger than that, it will automatically show a scrollbar.

The most-right scrollbar is for the actual edit modal itself, as the content there also overflows.

Ah, I see. Thank you!

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Figured Iā€™d give a small update regarding the mobile apps:

The apps are starting to take shape, working hard to release a first version as soon as possible.

Iā€™d say itā€™s about 75% done right now, this is the current list of things left to do for version 1:

  • User Settings page
  • Deck Settings page
  • Review/Lesson Session results page
  • Signup page

  • Some Lessons & Reviews session functionality
  • Add/Edit card popups
  • Dictionary card popups
  • Push Notifications

  • Polishing
  • Checking various devices to check if it scales well
  • Proper testing

As you can see, itā€™s not that much anymore! Hope to finish it within the next two weeks and release it soon after.

So while you wait, hereā€™s a small preview (some parts still a WIP):



Did someone mention dark themes :eyes: ?