& - [UPDATE: Satori Reader Sync] - Grammar SRS, Grammar Lessons, Reading Exercises, Vocabulary, Kanji and more!

Here’s a small tease of some things the team is currently working on :grin: :


Today I tried to do my reviews on Kitsun as usual, but all that loads is an empty white page. What’s wrong?

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I am also unable to log in. I’ve tried using multiple browsers.


Seems like the server went down while I was asleep. It should be back up now! Been over a year since it last went down like this… I’ll check the logs to see what happened so it can be prevented from now on.

Sorry for the inconvenience!


Is that Hollow Knight that I see? Collab when?xD 739459404532809739


hahaha yeah! Love that game :heart_eyes:

Just used it as a placeholder for now :laughing:


Hi! Just wanted to mention that a LipSurf user has made a prototype plugin to use LipSurf with What does this mean?

  • improve your recall by activating a different part of your brain
  • get comfortable speaking Japanese faster
  • use hands-free

If you have feedback, we would love to see it on the LipSurf forum post (in step 2 below) so we don’t hijack this thread. See these two posts on how to get started right away:

  1. Install LipSurf:
    LipSurf - WaniKani Voice Dictation. Review while you eat, do chores, etc

  2. Install the community plugin:
    🎉 New Bunpro, KaniWani, plugins now available! - Official - LipSurf


Does Kitsun have a way to add bulk definitions from a list, preferably using a monolingual dictionary?

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What kind of list are you refering to? If you have a spreadsheet of data then you can import that (.csv/.tsv/.txt). If you are refering to looking up definitions in a dictionary from a list of supplied vocabulary then no…

You could also paste the list into the reading assistance tool and generate cards from it manually by tapping on the words, or use the dictionary feature to manually generate the cards.

I am working on a table view for the reading tool that shows all the unique vocab in a text, which might fit your purpose when it comes out, although it will (probably) not allow for generating a big bulk of cards all at once.

Bulk generation from a dictionary sounds like an interesting idea to explore in the future though, but for now it might be easier to generate the data with another tool/script and import that into Kitsun.


Thanks. I want to be able to take my words and context sentences from a Kindle dump and bulk-lookup the words without doing them individually.

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I hate to ask this, but my trial expired a while back and now I’m considering switching from to Any chance I too could get a reboot on my trial? I want to import some anki decks and play around with the suite of features before I decide. I really only need a couple of days to decide.

My username on Kitsun is the same as my Wanikani username.


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Hey! No worries, I’ve given you a few days to check it out again :slight_smile:

@anon1067447 I’ll add it to the requested features list. Seems handy to have something like that built in :smile:

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Thank you! Playing with it now. Nicely done by the way, the interface is wonderful.

qq… is there a way to do sub2kitsun for just a subs file (like an .srt file)? I am watching a Netflix show (Alice in Borderland) so don’t have an actual video file, and just want to use a subs file to generate cards.


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For that I’d just suggest using the Reader.


There’s no limit to the text you can post in there. It can handle entire books without a problem :slight_smile:



For this update I’ve mainly focused on making the styling of the website a bit more cohesive and (imo) much nicer looking and feeling. Especially on iOS devices and Firefox browsers things like the popups and the font should look much better.

New features:

  • New light themes - Added more primary colors for the light themes:

  • Updated the sidemenu with a new design.

  • All popups have been updated to a new design that fits much better and also works much better than before (no more iOS background scrolling or sidemenu showing through etc).

  • The card edit/add popup has become a panel that slides up instead, giving you some more space to work with.Note that this popup is likely to change more in one of the future updates in order to make it easier to edit your card values :slight_smile:

  • The font has been changed for bold and header text to one thats very similar, but this time it renders correctly on iOS devices and Firefox browsers.

  • Settings page layout has changed to make better use of the space available:

As a last note, I’ve started work on the known words system (filtering duplicate cards / known words throughout all decks & tools (such as the reader)) and plan to release the feature in the next 1-3 weeks, which also opens up the way for WK API integration and some more cool things! More on that later :grin:


Hi, dont know if this is a bug or not, but I just report it here then.
Step to produce:

  1. browse as a guest visitor.
  2. go to - Reading Assistance Tool
  3. reading through then reach Ready to supercharge your learning? , click on “try it for free”
  4. I expect to land to sign up page, but this shows

note: hit refresh again then it shows signup page as expected.
note 2: seems like it happens to all the feature pages, not only for reading assistance.
note 3: seems to be definitely a bug, cause it shows a little tiny redundant text here and even the vue framework (full picture of the image in step 3 above)


JPR, you have over 33k lessons to do :scream:
To be honest that’s not really a bad idea, you get to see the total amount of cards you have left to learn.


Oh woops! :cold_sweat: Thanks for letting me know, I’ll get that fixed right away!

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That’s Russian looking at me in disapproval :scream:

