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My personal Core 10k (it’s using the same template as the one you published as a community deck) :grin: But I believe your other community decks might be displaying the same way. I can confirm tomorrow if you want.

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At this point, I feel like it would be even cooler to have a place to share templates with the community :grin: (just like with community decks).


Agreed, but I think there’s value in being able to change the layouts for community decks too. For example, let’s say someone is using Hine’s 10k deck, but decides they don’t need to see all that information. They could create a new layout to override the built in one to simplify it. It could also be good for accessibility. Someone with color blindness or poor eyesight could tweak a community deck’s layout to suit their needs, without having to make a full copy of the deck.


I still feel like there needs to be some limitations for the user. If everyone is able to do anything, the demand for innovation won’t be as big because everything will be more at the level of the user and not at the level of the creator. I feel like it’s better to give the creator the power to expand it’s creation due to user demand than users having the power to make it themselves. One example of what I mean is the creator putting available several layouts and the user choosing not to do EN => JP, for example. The incentive comes from the creator (as kitsun allowed them).


Thought of another suggestion: when there are no reviews, when you click on “To Reviews”, it still takes you to the review page, confirms there are none, takes you to the completion page, where you have to click to go back to the deck’s main page. I feel like this could be simplified to just…no do any of that xD If there are no reviews, maybe have the button to click be non-clickable/greyed out?


Is there anyway to do reviews with sound test?
I cant have any audio at work

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I’m guessing you meaning without a sound on a deck temporarily whilst at work where you’re unable to use/hear audio. i dont think you can delay and pause to later review. You could put any answer in, escape and then put the correct answer in. this way your card wont get demoted, but thats not really helpful, as you be skipping the audio aspect completely whilst you’re at work.

a possible fix maybe a skip/delay button/shortcut and then you can skip the audio cards and do them next review (when not at work)?

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@seanblue & @jprspereira while I agree it would be cool, right now that’s kinda impossible.

Basically there’s four problems with it:

  • Layouts are card specific, not user specific
  • Layouts are linked under a template, one that you as a different user can not add to
  • Not all cards in a deck should use the same layouts, so you’d have to manually assign layouts to every card (think of hiragana vocab not having a jp → reading layout)
  • Like jpr said, it could stiffle layout creation.

@conan The reason for that is that it does the call to get the reviews when you get to the review screen. Another problem with that is that it is possible to keep the page open and have it display 0 reviews, while actually, you already have reviews (the counter just didn’t update). Currently, clicking it will just make you start the review section, whereas then you’d have to refresh the page first, then click the button.

@tphat624 For now you could disable ‘autoplay audio’ for both the front and the back (in the deck settings) and hibernate the card with audio when you encounter it (the actions dropdown @ bottom left when doing lessons/reviews).

There is a feature incoming where you will be able to filter certain layouts, so you would be able to filter all audio cards by default. But that’s currently still in development.


Totally agree :joy:

I think I mentioned it before but neicul burns all my suggestions in a weekly ritual so…

jk jk, pls don’t ban me



So you’d prefer to have a button that doesnt work even though there are reviews available at the moment? (considering the counter does not update). I believe WK works the same way as Kitsun currently does iirc?

Yeah, but it feels more slick. I don’t want a button that doesn’t work - I still want to be taken to the screen - but the popup telling you “oh! you finished all your reviews!” feels kind of buggy with the screen reload in the background, and it forces me to acknowledge its existence by clicking on it. No clicks D:

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After thinking about it a bit more, I guess I could do a check with the server to see if there are any reviews available, only when the counter is currently at 0 visually? But then the button wouldn’t instantly give feedback to the user though.

So what would the user see? :thinking:

I think the difference from WK is that they have a page that sits between the user and their reviews, regardless of whether you have reviews or not. So you never get taken straight in. That means they can use that page to give the user correct information on whether or not they actually have reviews. You still have to click back to the dashboard, but you don’t have to close a pop-up as well.

You take people straight into their reviews, which is an advantage in itself, but means you have this issue with what to do when the counter displays zero.

If I’m understanding, you would do a check on clicking ‘reviews’, only if the counter is at zero? And then if there are reviews presumably you would take the user to reviews. Could there be a redirect if there actually aren’t reviews? Or a pop-up saying ‘next review in X time’, without taking you away from the dashboard? I don’t mind one click :stuck_out_tongue: it’s just the multiple clicky and the strange page behaviour that feels a little off.

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Ohhh, you mean the closing of the popup brings you to the empty results screen? what if clicking the popup will redirect you to the dashboard instead (if reviews == 0)

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Yes! And it looks kind of like it’s having a heart attack while it does it. If I could get the pop-up without ever leaving the dashboard that would be visually even better, but I realise that introduces extra headaches for you :stuck_out_tongue:

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That’s kinda what I meant by doing a call when someone clicks it and the counter is at 0. It would then first check if there are any reviews, if so → continue, else → show popup (while staying in the dashboard)

Cool, I see. I think that would be best, unless it makes things too slow or causes you to despair. Otherwise the current situation but button > dashboard would be a good compromise :blush:


Haha, was just about to type that up as my reply, but thought to read the rest of these posts first xD Yes, if anything, I would be happy with that :smiley: (Like I said, I hate clicking, less clicks for me is better XD)


Sorry to have hijacked your suggestion :sweat_smile:


It’s fine! The more who suggest, the better, shows it’s a popular idea :smiley: