Keeping Track of Companion Programs

For people who use multiple programs, KaniWani, Torii SRS, ect. How do you keep track of all them and stay on top of reviews? My accuracy has been suffering recently and I want to improve that but I think I would forget about it if it wasnt all in one place.


They’re all on my main home screen. Can’t forget’em if they’re judging me every time I unlock my phone.


Only have two. WK and Kitsun.

Both are ALWAYS the two first tabs in my browser which is always open. Then constantly check on them and have routines.


I… bought a dedicated Chromebook for studying Japanese and literally only have WK, Bunpro, and a few other Japanese related tabs open on it. At night I place it on top of my laptop (to signal to my brain the order in which things should be done) and in the morning I do all my reviews on both services before getting on with the rest of my day.


I think it’s almost easier to keep up with them if I’m using more than one, since I’m in the habit of always checking Kitsun once I’m done with my WK reviews. And if I get reviews for one, I’ll always also check the other.

Same, they’re my first two tabs on both my desktop and phone which are both permanently open.


I’m finding WK the only one I can keep up with and find value in! (I’m a teacher and mum which leaves me little time)

I’m looking for a grammar/phrases platform with SRS built in that doesn’t start from zero. Does anyone know any? I’ve studied Japanese for 6 years of high school (completed VCE/year 12- Aus) and did 4 years majoring Japanese at university 14 years ago! So I know most basics, I just want to become good at complex grammar (my speaking is so basic embarrassingly), and understanding/speaking casually.

I’m also moving to Japan in 7 months.

Any ideas on a good platform?


I use Kitsun with 10k vocab (voiced sentences) and JLPT 5-1 grammar deck from JLPT Sensei. The latter has 7500 sentences, voiced, with all the JLPT grammar points in sentences. Plenty of sentences of each grammar point and will take you some time to get through that deck. Got mine through patreon.

Probably others out there, but too convenient and good to skip tbh.

You can always get the deck (or anything like it) and exclude based on JLPT-level.

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You could just use Bunpro. It let’s you choose grammar to study as you see fit, so you don’t have to start with the basics.


Thank you! I’ll take a look at all those options. The voiced sentences sounds great. I’m looking at doing alot of shadowing to help with pitch accent naturally.

Seconding the Bunpro recommendation, they let you pick and choose exactly what grammar points you want to study. They have native speakers voicing most of their exercises, too.

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I have all my Japanese-related apps grouped together on my phone, and the SRS ones are in a straight line. I prioritize WaniKani/Flaming Durtles, but I click on the other two (Anki and Bunpro) whenever I have spare pockets of time.

As far as staying on top of reviews… still working on it. It’s easy to push ahead in one app, then suddenly have no time for the others. It’s been mostly trial and error for me, but I’m starting to get a feel for how much I can handle in a day.

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I have JPDB, wanikani, and bunpro always open on my PC so I can keep an eye on them. First thing I do in the morning is turn it on and immediately get smacked by however many hundreds of reviews I’ve accumulated over the night from those 3. Wakes me up much better than any coffee…

As for actually staying on top of them, I do most of it at work/at the gym when I have nothing else better to do.

I use three: WaniKani, KaniWani, and Anki, and I haven’t had any trouble staying on top of the reviews for all of them. It helps that I only do Anki once a day, and I try to stick to a reasonable pace for WK, which means the WK and KW reviews don’t pile up too much. I check WK at least three times a day, usually more (it’s easier for me to do 20-30 reviews in one sitting compared to, say, 60), and KW generally two or three times haha.

What helped me was adding SRS systems slowly, so I already had an established habit with the rest before adding another one. I started KW after I’d been doing WK regularly for several weeks, for example, and then I started using Anki a few weeks after that. So it was already second nature to visit each of them and I didn’t really have to think about it.

I’m also pretty convinced that if you use multiple SRS, you have to be really, really consistent with them and do them every single day (or multiple times a day if the review intervals are shorter), and also add new cards at a pretty steady pace instead of doing huge lesson binges. Aim for below your daily limit, because you need to be able to still complete your reviews on a bad day. Missing one day can put you in a world of hurt if you have multiple programs going.

If you’re struggling a lot with your accuracy, then the first thing I would do is stop adding new cards for a bit and just do your reviews until the numbers go down and become more reasonable. Work on establishing a habit that’s as painless as possible for you to keep up.

It often helps to study at the same times every day. I always do my daily WK lessons first thing in the morning, for example, then hit the first two review intervals on those items as close to on time as possible so that I can move the items along to the next stage before I go to bed. I also generally do my Anki reviews pretty late at night haha right before bed :sweat_smile:. KaniWani is more variable; I just clear out my reviews there whenever I see that they’re about to pile up more than I want to do in one sitting (if I see 30 waiting for me and the next hour, that number will become 60, I will get them done before the hour rolls over).

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I keep track of the various programs I use by time management. I do this one in this time slot, another in that… Forming a habit like that can take multiple months, though.

I started with just one (WaniKani) and then cheerfully added as many as I could find. I think trying out multiple options and then evaluating if they give you what you want / are comfortable to use helps in reducing them to only those that you really want to use, making keeping track of them easier (because there aren’t so many).

I think I need to actually get a schedule together. Probably why I have spent over a hundred days on level 10, along with college and work. Though it seems like it would be really handy if all the programs could be accessed through one page. I have a separate web browser with all of my Japanese learning resources open but that also means I can just minimize it and forget it. Learning like this with ADD is a real pain.

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