Kanji and meanings

  1. I want to use kanji in Anki as background to learn kanji individually and learn and read vocab as main. Because I have read that learning kanji or vocab in Anki alone will not help you. But my question about kanji is that the heisik method, for example, set his focus on remembering the meaning, while I have noticed that a lot of words in Japanese has nothing to do with the meaning of the individual kanji itself.

For example:
sensei = teacher / sen = previous / sei = life / previous life?
nihongo = japanese langauge / ni = sun / hon = book / go = langauge / sunbooklangauge?

So if you would only learn the meaning like heisik is saying, you couldn’t guess words the right way when you going to read stuff.

  1. Anyone got some good resource to drill katakana into my mind.

I can’t say the Heisig books worked for me. That’s why I’m here.


As you figured out by now, one of the downsides of the Heisig method it’s that it focuses on a single meaning, which sometimes doesn’t cover all the uses for the kanji.

While some kanji can be used alone as words, If you think of kanji as a building block for words, it makes a little more sense than just as having meaning in itself. Ex: 水 vs 水曜日.

If you want to learn kanji outside of wanikani, and you aren’t happy with the heisig method, then you could always try to learn the new kanji with more associated vocab. There are lot’s of decks for anki, the Torii app for android (which has a wanikani mode, so it won’t teach you the same stuff twice), floflo.moe and kitsun.io. All which are great for picking up new vocab. That includes kana only words!

I personally am just using wanikani, and picking up extra vocab on my textbook, graded readers and random stuff. Which doesn’t add up to much, but it has the benefit of learning within a context.


I will try out that torii app and learn Kanji in the anki app as extra.

The heisig method is a good way to quickly become familiar with all the kanji. I used kanjiclimb.com as a companion to the book.

Immediately put off by the massive typo on the homepage. (my laptop refuses to make a screenshot at te moment).

“Why is learning kajni so

I have read on wanikani that government or anything like that changed some radicals, so I was curious if someone knows a up-to-date deck for Japanese radicals in anki.

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The government didn’t change any radicals recently. Are you talking about the WaniKani content overhaul from a while back, where WK changed its radicals and mnemonics?

Probably a good time to remind that WK radicals are not the same thing as the radicals defined by the government. They’re different concepts for different uses.

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