KameSame - a fast, feature-rich Japanese memorization webapp

Thanks for getting back to me so soon! I opened up developer tools and refreshed it (on Chrome btw). I’m not very informed on how to interpret the data, but I don’t think there were any network problems from what I can see.

Here’s the screenshot:

On the bright side, I can still do Study WaniKani Items. Just not able to study from the WaniKani list. Let me know, if there is anything else I can try to troubleshoot it. Thanks again!

Great app, enjoying it so far. Is there any way to do something like wanikani’s ‘review the last 25 items’ for some out-of-band practice? I know this may go against SRS philosophy so might not be included on purpose, but just wondering if it’s there and I’m missing where since for my learning style it’s a big help.

Hello. I just wanted to check if I was the only one having issues with the odd font/characters on KameSame. It’s the same with both Japanese and non-Japanese keyboard. Many thanks.

Nothing in the app has changed – in general when this happens it’s usually a result of a region/locale setting on the client device

Thank you so much for the clarification. :bowing_woman: Fortunately, the font issue seems to have resolved itself a few minutes ago.

Can you clarify a bit on KameSame’s XP and level system? If I understand correctly, KS purely racks up XP as a way to build levels. In that case, what does level 100 mean practically, drawing from the built-in lesson word lists? Is that equivalent to going through 1-60 of WaniKani’s levels? Or is that equivalent to a certain percentage of the Top 10,000 Words, or around a given JLPT proficiency? Put differently, if users knew how many XP you’d earn completing a given word list, one could track overall goals (N2 or whatever) in relation to how many XP they are earning in a given week / month span. That’d make chronology goals (and somebody’s done an “N1 by next summer or bust” sprint) a lot more doable.

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It’s a leveling curve wherein XP is earned for completing reviews, with more XP for achieved for higher SRS levels. You only earn XP the first time you reach a certain rank for a word or kanji, so the amount of XP earned for a particular item is capped.

As a result, reaching level 100 means you’ve completed some relatively high number of total items learned/burned but the amount will vary, since it’ll depend on how many items you have in-progress.


Hello! I’m new to Kamesame after someone mentioned it in the BunPro community. I am already Level 22 on WK with 1500 Burned items.
I signed up for Kamesame and added my WK api. I chose the list WK Vocab (1-10) to study from. But:

  1. Is there a way to study from 2 lists (e.g. Kanji 1-10 as well)?
  2. I did some lessons and I’m still at Apprentice but most of those words are Burned in WK already. Is there a way to set them at Master or Enlightened at least?
  3. I’m more interested in practicing the vocabulary and kanji I already know by seeing the English and entering Japanese. Is there a way to limit my reviews to that?
  1. Yes. The lists are just buckets of items to generate lessons. You can use as many as you like or none at all

  2. No, the KameSame SRS timer is separate from WK’s

  3. Yes, you can change the review types in your account settings to limit reviews to only production or recognition

Thanks, @searls I now realize I should’ve selected Study from WaniKani instead of Study from List. I mistakenly thought they were one setting, not separate.

Thanks so much for creating this! I’m currently switching over from KaniWani and I wish I had given this a try earlier. Having to type in actual Kanji is so much more fun and even addictive in a sense.

The only thing I’m missing right now is an overview of when how many reviews are incoming today (maybe over the next few days). Basically what both WK and KW have, either as a graph or a simple list.
This would make it much easier to plan ahead when to do reviews because over time your items will naturally drift apart and if you only know that your next review is going to contain 20 items, you might not know that an hour later there are 50 items incoming. If I knew that, I’d rather pool up reviews and do them all later.

Any chance this could make it into KameSame?

KameSame isn’t under active development any more (I hope to break ground on a new app inspired by it next year), so I don’t think it’s likely that a review forecast is in the cards, unfortunately.

For what it’s worth having used these tools every day for years, I always found that setting a consistent time every day to do reviews was more helpful than leaning on reminders or trying to forecast. If you ever get to the point where you’re overwhelmed by peaks and valleys, you can smooth them out yourself by limiting yourself to a max number of reviews each day (50, 100). If you find that it’s become too overwhelming you can use KameSame’s “spread out” feature to stagger all the reviews that have piled up to be no more than X per day (if you manage an ideal schedule of daily reviews from that point forward)


WaniKani integration seems to be down at the moment (at least for me). When I want to see how many vocab items I have learned e.g. from WaniKani levels 1-10, I get none at all while it works fine for JLPT.
Also, I haven’t been getting the new vocab items I learned today in the morning. I assume KameSame only queries updates from WK periodically but I don’t think I ever needed to wait the better part of a day for new vocab to arrive.

Both together suggest to me there’s some backend problem currently?

Wanikani sync runs once a day and there have been times when it’s failed due to database maintenance, etc.

You can try manually syncing from the account page and giving it a few minutes. See if that works?

Thanks, seems it rectified itself after all :+1:

Is there a way to make KameSame show furigana for vocab instead of Kanji?

Hey Justin,

I wrote you a mail a couple of weeks ago, but I didn´t get an answer. Maybe it didn´t get through. My question was: Is it possible to add an additional category/study list/s for the missing Jouyou Kanji/N1 Kanji/2500 most used Kanji? Right know I have to add them manually to my KameSame lessons queue. If you need help creating a template list/s, I am more than willing to help you. Because adding them by hand every time, is really annoying…


Sorry, there’ not a custom list function. I recommend searching for the kanji you need and quick-adding them.

Hi. Was this timeline feature ever impemented ? WK made me kind of addicted to precise planning

Yeah, I know that there is not a custom list function. This is why I wanted to work with you on an “official list” so that everyone can enjoy those kanji.