KameSame - a fast, feature-rich Japanese memorization webapp

Thanks! That looks like it works!

Same here, even if I am learning stuff from Level 25+, I just got many vocab I burnt long ago, like 上る, 代わる, 交ぜる… oO

Would this be better to use over KaniWani? (Didn’t mean to reply to your comment Fafnir57, it’s an question for anyone.)

Okay cool, thanks.

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What plantron said, and also to add: KS makes me actually type in kanji. It was a jarring shock when I first started using it and I almost stopped because the learning curve for figuring out alternate keyboards was more like a cliff, but now I’ve gotten over that hurdle I’m finding my retention is a lot better for having to actually input kanji, not just romaji that gets auto-corrected to kana.


Sorry about this, team. There was a bug in one of the data scripts that keeps the Wanikani and JMDict items up to date, and as a result 27 WK items (and their in-progress cards) were deleted. I re-added the items, but I wasn’t able to restore the lessons from backup without also rewinding 10,000 other reviews that’d been done in the meantime.


No worries, thanks for letting us know! I can deal with having to redo some lessons for items I already know – I’d rather that than have to do all the rest that’s been done in the interim.

Why you text doesn’t turned automatically into hiragana

I really enjoy the app so far. Since I’m not very far in Wanikani, there is more to explore with KameSame. The question I have and someone else may have asked it already: how do you know which reading KameSame wants? Example: Up or Above Do they want じょう or うえ. I experienced this where I technically got it right since the correct character came up. However, I typed in the other hiragana.

Any valid reading is valid

Some new updates today around blocking/excluding items from appearing in your lessons.

A lot of words from WaniKani lessons (三) or other items from JMDict found in content you paste in (する) might not be worth your time in a 6 month long review queue, so in addition to temporarily skipping them (as we implemented last week), you can now block them as well.

You can block/exclude an item from the study view:

Or from the item view:

Or from the content-based lessons page:

You can still learn a blocked item if you want to from its item page, but it won’t be included by any lessons from the lessons tab by default

Thanks to Eric for helping implement this!


Exporting your Manabi.io Vocabulary to KameSame, the Hard Way

The following is not for the faint of heart.

Manabi Reader is a rather nice iOS application that lets you read Japanese webpages with injected furigana, a one-tap dictionary, and (best of all) the ability to add words directly to an SRS app, Manabi. I use it to read NHK Easy News, but I really don’t want yet another SRS system in my life.

The Manabi website is supposed to let you log in and view your decks, etc, but (although it might be just for me), once I am logged in I just get a server error. After a bunch of digging, I have come up with a method to download my cards from the website in a way that can be accepted by KameSame’s bulk import feature.

Step 1: You’ll need to log into the Manabi website to get a login cookie set. The site will now hit you with server errors until you delete your cookies to log out.

Step 2: Go to https://manabi.io/api/flashcards/decks/ . If you’re logged in, you should see something like this:

Scroll down through this until you find the deck you’re interested in - in my case, it was “Manabi Reader”. It will have an id number nearby - in my case, 5681. Remember this number.

Step 3: Go to https://manabi.io/api/flashcards/cards/?format=json . Logged in users should see something like this:

It’s going to be huge - this contains every card in all the decks you have in Manabi, including archived decks. Hit “Copy” up in the menu bar towards the top of the window.

Step 4: Go to https://jsoneditoronline.org/ . Paste your clipboard into the left window, and then hit the arrow pointing to the right to load it into the right-most pane. Hit the filter button (looks like a funnel) on the right-most pane and put in a query like this: [? deck == 5681].expression (replace 5681 with your deck ID) and hit “Ok”:

Step 5: Now, hit the arrow pointing to the left that loads the results back into the left-most pane. You can copy the contents of this pane into the bulk loading area on the KameSame website, and it will give you lessons for items not already in your deck.

Known errors:

  • You’re likely to get multiple copies of some words in your list, but KS seems fine with this.
  • This method is not very good at spotting cards you have archived - you’ll need to write something to parse your JSON file if you want to remove these (look for at least two cards for the same fact, where the later card has null review timings.)
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Wow, so thorough!! If you find anything that KS could do better based on this experience, please let me know.

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Based on @curiousjp’s use case of using KameSame to import a list or otherwise structured data, I dramatically improved the way that the “lessons from content” text area will deal with text that is already outside the context of Japanese prose and will use artificial boundaries (where present) to trump the kuromoji tokenizer’s results (which can be overly aggressive at slicing words, especially when devoid of the context of a sentence.

What does that mean? It means if you feed the lessons text area a newline, comma, tab, pipe separated list or some JSON or some XML or something, you’re pretty darn likely to get a 100% hit rate.

See how much better the results are in this screen (left is the list I fed, middle is KameSame’s prod behavior earlier today, note that it also jumbled the ordering :man_facepalming:, and right is the new behavior being deployed as I type this):

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Wow, that’s great! Thank you for looking at it, and now I want to take a closer look at kuromoji.

I was thinking today that a nice convenience feature would be to populate the word-dump textarea from a specific query string if present. Might not see much use, but could be interesting to say, have a userscript sitting on top of NHK News Easy that makes the content of all the <rt> tags a new-tab link to an “add this to KameSame” landing page. The existing tool is pretty convenient though, so a low priority suggestion.

edit: of course I could write this as a userscript for KameSame, I suppose.

While I understand the reason for making us use installed Japanese IMEs during lessons and reviews, it can be a little frustrating where I input 二 but it reads as katakana, or get asked for certain words that just do not want to convert into the correct kanji! 々 is one that springs to mind!

I’m sure the IME will learn eventually, but man it can be annoying! :sweat_smile:


This is perfect, it’s exactly what I needed.
Thanks so much.

this is a dumb question so apologies in advance.

how do i type kanji? ive had keyboards auto suggest kanji when i type hiragana, but so far using the hiragana keyboard on mac i am not getting any suggestions. What do I need to do?

I don’t know Macs, but I’m sure you can find and install something similar to an IME keyboard for typing in Japanese.

I am unsure what you’re describing, but I’d recommend checking out this guide from tofugu on getting set up: How to Type in Japanese (And Fun Characters Too!)