With that being said, I plan to read a whole lot more over this next week - There’s a book of short stories which I’d quite like to finish soon. Let’s see how long I manage to keep this up for
Thanks so much for the reply!
I appreciate any and all corrections
I’m still learning how to use these forums, (and I wrote that post in the early hours of the morning :p) so my formatting isn’t too great at the moment >>
I’m glad to see that some of my bad habits are showing on here too ~
Ah, In this case, wouldn’t の be used? e.g. 「ほかの番組の勧めがあったら、…」, as the recommendations ‘belong’ to the shows?
~てくれる is the bane of my existence in regards to Grammar - so pretty accurately sums up what was going on in my head there
I’ve recently signed on to Bunpro to try to fix that, as my language knowledge is heavily fragmented. I’ll be on the lookout for similar mistakes in the future!
This week was full of good news! mainly from exam results…
I Passed my JLPT N4! And got a GCSE Japanese (a UK exam) higher tier Grade 8 (A*)!
my 日本語 is officially 上手
Aside from that, I also FINALLY managed to level up to Lv10 - after almost a year’s hiatus on Lv9. It’s so nice to be learning new vocab again
主に2冊から話を読んだ。1つ目は "Intermediate Short Stories in Japanese - Olly Richards (ISBN 978-1-529-37716-3) だって、2つ目は "Parallel Text: Short Stories in Japanese - Michael Emmerich (ISBN 978-0-14-311833-6) だった。
その本を比べて、短編小説の長さは同じくらいけど、優しい日本語を使わないし複雑なトピックについてだし"Parallel Text"から話は"Intermediate Short Stories" よりほとんど読み難しかったんだ。今週間の読んだ話は「夜中の汽笛ぐらい」、「小さな闇」、「クレイジー寿司屋」、「とても不思議なハイキング」と「侍」と呼びました。
oh, and I’m about to hit Level 11! At this rate, I’ll finish this little challenge in time
Thanks for following along! I definitely won’t forget to post next week.
(This post is a bit shorter than usual, because it’s 2am and thinking isn’t currently my strong suit :p)