Just Subscribed!

I manage to get 10-20 lessons a day but generally struggle to keep up with review timings. I’m hoping to get that right some time too so I could get a bit faster. But yeah speed doesn’t matter if you burn out in the future as I experienced in other areas of life.

Welcome in this kanji learning adventure.
You’ll find on this forum many kind people ready to answer your questions, share other learning materials or read books alongside you in one of the book clubs.
Not knowing if you prefer salty or sweety gifts I brought cheese and macaron.


mmmhm, macarons


Thanks I love both :star_struck:


Oh boy, you got mad competition here @boromeron!


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That’s an… interesting thread. But I was just referring to my macarons and cheese… Unless? @Kumirei :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I subscribed after the chinese new year as well thanks to the 50% promo :slight_smile:

I’ve always wanted to pick up Japanese but was never really commited, having only taken lessons or modules for it that covered the low level stuff with large spans of time(semesters) in between progress.

But last year in june, i finally went to Waseda University for a comprehensive short term 6 weeks language exchange programme, i have to say that the solid 2+ months i spent living there has left very fond memories for me and form some of the best experiences of my life so far, Japan is definitely a place i want to return to and explore again, “unlocking” access to more of the unique culture that exists outside of the english-friendly cities.

I also love anime and manga, so being able to consume the media in it’s raw intended form without losing nuance through translations will definitely be a big plus, with that in mind i finally got the conviction that it’s time i put some discipline in myself and pick up Japanese for good :joy:

Even though i had lessons every weekday spanning from morning to mid-afternoon during the exchange, it mostly covered grammar in depth, with a dash of vocabulary and routine conversational practice with absolutely no kanji aspect involved, so WaniKani seems to be exactly what i need

I’ve been keeping up and clearing all available lessons and reviews the moment they appear so far and progress has been nice, i’m hoping i wouldn’t hit a difficulty cliff and burn out/give up in the months to come ahead :fearful: I’m gonna be realistic and accept that language is something i cannot pick up overnight, so i hope to reach level 60 over a span of 1.5 to 2 years if possible :flushed:

Here’s the best of efforts to us both! :facepunch: :muscle: :muscle:


Heyy welcome to the community! You’ll want to hang out here, it’s a great source of motivation :slight_smile:

I litterally started learning japanese because I didn’t feel like reading a translated light novel. :grin: And I like linguistics and been looking for a third language but whatever. I would like to travel to Japan one day but my primary purpose is for learning is to consume media for now :slight_smile:

Same, keeping it realistic is better.
Keep it going :metal:

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