Jlpt 2018! (Results are now online!)

Ohhhh, I see. I’m even more anxious now. Good luck, by the way! Hope you pass N1!

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So you think it is more like

For people who took the test in Japan:
Tokyo 2019-01-23 0am

For international test takers:
Sydney 2019-01-23 12pm
Tokyo 2019-01-23 10am
Shanghai 2019-01-23 9am
New Delhi 2019-01-23 6:30am
Berlin 2019-01-23 2am
London 2019-01-23 1am
EST 2019-01-22 8pm
PST 2019-01-22 5pm


I‘ll update my post above then. I haven’t experienced this live since I didn’t want to wake up in the middle of the night just to view the results (and then ending up realizing that the site is down anyway).

Good luck everyone, tomorrow at this time we‘ll finally know.

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Well, I’ll trust that you got all the time zones right. But the 3 previous times I took it in Japan, yeah, there was no mention of time of day, just a date, and they posted the results at midnight Japan time.

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Damn, I thought I could see the results before I go to bed but I’m not gonna stay awake until 2 am if I have to work the next day D: Guess I’ll know tomorrow morning >_<

Tomorrow morning will be the longest morning ever. 14 hours to go :confused: (at least 8 of it will be sleeping)

Where you will have a dream about checking the results, which will be so realistic that you wake up thinking you already checked your result and you don’t realize until right before you go to bed. But you already told everyone who asked you thst you failed/passed and now you have to go tell everyone the opposite


That actually happened to me although in another context. Still dreadful.

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Took N4 in December but 100% sure i failed, so i will check the result just for the sake of suck.


Yup, as I feared, abysmal reading score, so I failed again. I knew I was mostly guessing but I just couldn’t get the energy up to keep going (if you’re just seeing this and none of the posts before, I was sick for about a week leading up to the test and on the test day). Got 70 points on the two other sections combined (overall 87), so I just need to have a decent reading section of one of these times.

Time to get ready for July.


I have a newbie and silly question. When i’ll get to see the results, how will i determine if i passed or failed? Is it written somewhere concisely “passed/failed” or do i have to mentally calculate the results? I know it’s a silly question and that I’ll probably figure it out on the spot, but this is the first time for me.

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I believe there’s actually 3, Passed, Not passed (I think), and Failed.

The distinction between the last two are Failed is when you missed one of the minimum point cutoffs in a section.

And to specifically answer your question, yes, it’s written explicitly.


Got my N3 !!! Can’t believe it !!!
95 / 180, it was so close !
Vocab 33 / 60
Reading 30 / 60
Listening 32/60
At least it’s … balanced ? :sweat_smile:

Listening at 32/60 is the most intriguing… I remember it as a complete disaster, answering almost everything at random. Could it be that N3 listening this time was so hard that they had to average out and boost the score for everybody ?


Well, I failed the reading section of the N2. Guess it’s time for me to start giving that some actual focus.

Language Knowledge (Vocabulary/Grammar) 27 / 60
Reading 13 / 60
Listening 36 / 60

I mean, that’s just pathetic man… XD


what, results are already in? for everyone? i am not prepared for this!

edit: ah, ok, not for the „other countries“ it seems.

congratulations to everyone who passed and good luck for you next attempt everyone else.

@Leebo July will be better for sure. No stupid cold to drag you down and a lot of time to prepare.


These are the results for the people who took the test in Japan. The results for overseas participants will become available according to the schedule you posted a few days ago :slight_smile:


That makes so much sense but I got my hopes up for a second anyway :laughing:

Failed the N4, but there’s noticeable improvement vs my July test! I felt like I did worse in December, but apparently not! I guess it’s just that when you know more, what you don’t know tends to stand out more. I haven’t actually been studying anything JLPT-specific, just my weekly classes, but I’m planning on finally PASSING N4 in July and then trying my luck at N3 in December.

JULY 61 / 180
Language Knowledge (Vocabulary/Grammar), Reading 38 / 120
Vocabulary B
Grammar B
Reading C
Listening 23 / 60

DECEMBER 78 / 180
Language Knowledge (Vocabulary/Grammar), Reading 50 / 120
Vocabulary B
Grammar B
Reading A
Listening 28 / 60


So I managed to pass N2 - barely :smile: Language Knowledge (Vocabulary/Grammar) 26/ 60
Reading 21/ 60
Listening 50 / 60
Total: 97/180

considering that last year July I failed by several points, this is an improvement, but not by much. My apparent listening skills saved me this time. Need to start putting more attention towards that reading comprehension and kanji.


What are you planning to do now that you passed it?

I’m still below N3 and I enjoy being able to take one test (N5, then N4, hopefully N3 in July) every 6 months to measure my progress. I was already wondering: if I managed to pass N3 and maybe at some point even N2 it would be impossible to move on to the next step within 6 months. I might consider retaking the same level one or two times just to get a better result before I move on to the next level just for the sake of still measuring progress. But maybe that is just my insanity talking.

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