Jlpt 2018! (Results are now online!)

I mean, I don’t know what it was like in his room was unless he was in N3 B.

There is a possibility for accommodations based on various disabilities, but I don’t know how one registers. I looked at the worldwide JLPT stats for December 2017 and the recorded number of accommodations is extremely low compared to the number of people who wrote the test. (like 162 out of 165,500 people).

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In the FAQ there is a section that states one needs to submit a “Request Form for Special Testing Accommodations” together with the application. But I do not know what exactly they adjust and how they decide what to adjust. I think some people get a room to themselves or more time or they can listen to the audio multiple times.


Wow thanks, it even mentions what you get, such as extended test time. :smiley: I am confident I can apply then and I can see what they accommodate for, thanks!

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I’d just like to listen to audio with headphones because I have single sided deafness which makes extraneous noises harder to filter out. I’ll look into it for next time.

Here’s an example of the form one would need to fill out. This one is from the Toronto testing site, but I’m sure other locations use similar forms.

Hello. I was taking N2 this December in Jakarta, Indonesia, but just introduced to Wanikani after the test. ^^;


I have the exact same problem and I really felt that this time. Too much rattling around me and my brain gets so distracted there’s no hope to concentrate on anything else :joy:

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I know this, but I read it as うち for some reason, and was understandably confused since none of the options said inside. :man_facepalming:

I love their channel

Actually that’s how I read the question too! So I was puzzled for a bit.

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I took up the n5! prepared for about 3 months, Kanji section was easy (WK of course helped me tons).
BUT listening is where i know i struggled. i need to improve. Open to suggestions and ideas!
Also got my hands on some graded reading material! started those as well.


Gave n5 this month. Let’s hope that I pass even though I think I don’t deserve to considering I only prepared about two months :frowning:

Many have talked about “scaled scoring” can anyone explain that a little more ?
As far as I understand it, it means that the amount of points you get for a correct answer isn’t determined before the test starts, but depends on the way everyone else answered ?
Many seem to hope that this “scaled scoring” will help pass listening. But wouldn’t that acctually make it more difficult ? Wouldn’t the result be, that the questions many could answer (probably those with only 3 possibilities) are easy and therefore one should be awarded less points, while the harder once, most couldn’t answer get more points ?

The scaled score doesn’t depend on other examinees’ performance. They take every single combination of right and wrong answers for each section and decide on a stack-ranking of which combinations are subjectively stronger or weaker based on the difficulty of the individual questions. Then they assign a score to each combination.

All-pass is obviously passing and all-fail failing, but a person who gets more easy ones isnt necessarily stronger than someone who gets more hard ones, by strict number of correct answers. On the other hand, some questions might be deemed so easy that failing it counts against you a lot, while a super-hard one might only matter at the top end of the scale.

Once that’s done, your score can just be looked up in a table by the “fingerprint” of which ones you got right and wrong. It’s pre-determined, just not raw number of correct answers.

[phone-typos corrected, with my glasses on this time, sorry]

You would think that the scaled scoring system would lead to the same percentage of people passing and failing each time, but if you look at the data, there’s a big variation from year to year.

For most levels, it usually averages out to around a 40% pass rate. If you fail, that’s a more common experience than not.

Yeah, someone told us that since it was our first time taking the exam, we were probably going to fail.

Of course we didn’t take kindly to that, but now we understand it’s because we couldn’t have known how it was going to work out without doing it first, and apparently it also took our teacher by surprise when we told him that listening was harder than expected.

Damn it, I guess it took me exactly one week of taking a break from the JLPT to get to a “well… just giving N3 a try in summer won’t hurt” state.

I’ll focus more on listening this time so it will be time well spent anyway since it will be most useful when I’m in Japan. And my “offical” goal is the N3 in December so I’m hoping I will get by without thinking too much about the JLPT for a while. Time will tell…

Maybe I’ll see you in Düsseldorf in July then :slight_smile:

頑​張​り​ま​し​ょ​う! ( ᐛ )/


Ha, there you go - sooner or later they’re going to get you anyway :wink:

Listening is actually my weakest spot, too. I did watch a ton of anime in preparation to N4 but I guess that was not focused enough for the test. So for N3 I just installed all the N3 listening practice apps I could grab hold of :wink: I think I need some progress with vocab first, though. If you find any good practice resources for listening, then please don’t hold back.

Would be great to meet up in person in Düsseldorf - it’s always nice to meet fellow WKers! Let’s chat again closer to the date.

Great, yeah let’s do that. :slight_smile: I always enjoy the chats I have with people during the JLPT because it is the only time I ever get to meet fellow Japanese learners in real life.

Apart from the obvious stuff (YouTube, Netflix, JapanesePod 101, CDs that come with textbooks and graded readers), I am using the following Anki decks:

  • One of the core decks to which I added JLPT info and then I only enabled the N5 - N3 entries; I set it up so that on the front there is only the sentence audio, everything else is on the back
  • My subs2srs deck; I had set it up to have audio & text on the front but now I changed it to contain only audio and I try my best to get it right. I used to have multiple decks but in the end I always end up in my Shirokuma Cafe deck so this is what I’m focusing on now. Probably not ideal since I’m getting used to their way of talking but I’m learning a lot and am enjoying it.
  • Vocabulary: I have a JLPT N3 vocabulary deck and wrote a script that downloaded audio for most of the cards; at the moment I have text and sound on the front and I think I’m going to keep it that way because audio only might be too hard and annoying and I believe Anki should be set up to be as fun and easy as it gets

Apart from Anki, supernative.tv is also quite nice but I never seem to be able to make a habit out of it (I guess that’s mostly because I can’t use it properly on my phone).

I don’t know if you are using Anki but if you are interested then let me know and I’ll find a way to share my decks.