Jlpt 2018! (Results are now online!)

Wow, the dutch post seems to suck even more than the German one lol

yeah, i did the test in düsseldorf. which level did u do? and i didnt see a penguin with a hat there XD


Also N5 … Went quite well. Kanji were way to easy… Thanks WaniKani ( I guess )

This is a fair complaint but the lack of it has made it passable for me so I’m okay lol

but really though it’s odd that a language exam doesn’t test any speaking or writing. I’m sure there are reasons but if you think about it it just makes no sense…


At the scale of JLPT, it would add a huge amount of labor hours to get it graded in a reasonable amount of time.

If you live in Japan, the J-Test is a proficiency test that includes written answers. They’re not so much about “writing” in the sense of “composition,” but they basically represent questions that have no multiple choice options.

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I’ll take it in Leiden next year July!! Will you be there again?

wait a second should i be worried about my certificate for next year now lol (if i pass)

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Of course! That makes a lot of sense. It already takes a long time to grade so I completely understand.

What is interesting (and a different discussion) is that the JLPT seems to be seen as a good indication of Japanese level even though skills like speaking and writing aren’t tested. I’m not sure to what extent, but I know my speaking is far, far, faaaar behind on my other skills, and I really feel like I’m getting away with it like this haha.

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true. the kanji part was suprisingly easy. but next time i have to work more on my grammar skills.

Probably! I’ve just started studying for N4…let’s see how that goes :stuck_out_tongue:
What about you?

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Samesies! When I started the kanji I got so confident about the rest of the test…but then I hit the grammar…

I’ll definitely go!! I’ve been studying for the N2 since July now and I’m really excited😂 for me the JLPT motivates a lot so it’s nice to have something to work towards to

I might also go for N3 in Leiden!

Oh oh we should all definitely keep in contact and see if we can find each other then​:joy::star_struck:

@Maaike @NathaLire @Omun (and I know there are more Dutch students here, just can’t think of them)

Yes! We should start a Dutch jlpt prep forum topic. How are you all studying? Self study? Kotatsu?

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Lettuce start the group topic!! I’ll go for it now

I’m studying by myself at the moment but last year I had classes in Japan!

I’m indeed doing self-study. ^-^ Maaaaybe a local course, but quite unlikely.

I currently have no JLPT aspirations, but I’ll duck into the thread at times. :purple_heart:

It’s also just to discuss how we study, since I always have trouble finding resources in the Netherlands, or just Japanese food :slight_smile:

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Also, I feel like testing speaking and writing ability necessarily introduces a level of subjectivity into the grading process. Which is fine in a smaller class, but would be problematic in a worldwide standardized test, especially a hypothetical speaking component.


Wrote my N5 and felt very, very confident, so much so I regret not stretching for the N4. How did people find the N3? I plan on writing it next December.

Only just found this thread again (cuz I’m an idiot) and just skimmed through it, figured I’d add my two cents.

Took N3 in Cardiff on Sunday.

And I must say it was pure torture.
No seriously, the first part went fine (I’ll reiterate everyone who’s said this before, but WaniKani works and it saved me), I’m fairly confident I got 12 out of the first 14 right even xD

Fast forward 30 minutes, part 2. I struggled so hard. I realised after that it was probably the fact that I was super tired (drove down to Cardiff for 2 hours in the morning and didn’t eat properly) and so it was just hard for me to concentrate. At the end, as a lot of you have also said, I had too much reading and too little time and never got around to actually read the passages properly, so while I’m fairly confident a lot of these answers are right, I might just have not read it properly and got it wrong because of that.

Part 3 was, well, let’s say it was all I could do to understand what the passages were even about. I seriously struggled. I’m deaf and while it’s never been an issue before (and I have taken both the N5 and N4), because it takes my brain longer to understand what I hear, I really struggled to keep up (and again, I was super tired and that doesn’t help either). Listening has always been hard for me because I haven’t really found a good way to work on it yet and I knew I would struggle but that was seriously embarrassing.

Anyway, overall I’m fairly confident I could get the 95 points to pass (I think it’s 95 points), but I’m not sure I passed the listening, so if I fail, that will be why.

All in all, not a great experience, but I’m glad I did it anyway. I only started studying specifically for the N3 when I decided to take it, back in early October I think. Beforehand I was just generally keeping up what I knew because I never had enough time. So it was probably too much to ask for the prepare for the N3 in just a couple of months.

Regardless of the outcome though, next stop is N2 in a year’s time.

Also, a quick question, while I was waiting at the test site, I overhead someone talking about the exam expiring in 2 years or so. I’ve never heard anything about that. Not that I doubt that person, but does anyone know?

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