Japanese Sentence a Day Challenge


I wish to say: “you and I are two people”. Did I succeed?

で doesn’t mean and like you seem to think it does here. It can be used to mean “~です、and”

For example, あなたはkaskopで私はVanilla. This is the same (more or less) as saying あなたはkaskopです, and 私はVanilla. You are kaskop and I am vanilla. Use と for X and Y situations like this

Anyways you could say something like あなたと私は二人の人間. 二人 on its own here sounds weird to me.

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Why does it sound weird to you?

Hmm, I’m not sure. For just about everything I handle it with feel at this point. I think its maybe because 二人 feels more focused on the quantity of people rather than the fact that they’re people?

It inevitably boils down to thats just the way japanese is and japanese isnt english. The more pressing issue was the use of the で particle so I would just focus on that.

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Understood! Thank you for your correction and explanation. I haven’t studied grammar too much, I’ve been going at it in total for about one and a half weeks, and there’s only so much time in a day haha.

Hi. Your English sentence sounds incomplete. Are you making the statement as if you are counting the number of people present? or are you stating to someone that you and they are distinctly different people? Your intended meaning will change how you word it in Japanese.
BTW: there are a tremendous number of ways to say “and” in Japanese. It’s mind boggling.

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I hope you can ○○ soon はそもそも日本語ではあまり使われてないパターンなので自然な言い方はあんまり思いつかないけど、





そうですか。英語を話す時に「phrasal verbs」をたくさん使うので、日本語で書く時に英語的な表現を作りますが、自然じゃないです m(_ _)m


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Sorry for the late reply. I was struggling with energy problems.

I was stating that me and they are distinctly different people.


I wish to say: This apple is red and large.

このりんごは - This apple
赤いと - red and
大きい - large
です - it is

I am unsure if と should be used for ‘and’ in this case. I was told it was used for X and Y situations, but I feel this isn’t quite that… It describes two characteristics of this apple. Should I have used で instead? Or perhaps a different particle?

In this case, 赤い is an い-adjective, so you would actually need to “conjugate” it like you would a verb in order to express the equivalent of an English “and”. Any time you see a word end in , it’s likely to be an い-adjective.


To break it down:

このリンゴは - this apple (topic)
くて - (it is) red and
大きい - (it is) large
です - (polite ending)

Interestingly, い-adjectives express the “it is” by themselves. If you were to rephrase this sentence to use short form, it’d actually just be:


If you haven’t started studying grammar on its own, I would definitely recommend doing so since it seems like you have a lot of motivation to express thoughts and ideas outside the most basic XはYです format. Once you can differentiate between nouns, な-adjectives, い-adjectives, and verbs, then you can begin to learn how to manipulate each type of word to make more complex sentences.

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Thank you for your counsel, wise sage!

I’ve been studying a little bit of grammar, but it’s been slow going for me, since it doesn’t quite seem to click yet, especially since I lack a lot of vocab and kanji knowledge. I’ll get there though! It is quite fun! Tiring though…

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A new day, a new sentence, woo!


“I am looking at the silver train” is what I want to write.



@KaaaaasKop さん、こんにちは~!文のれんしゅう、がんばりましたね。:white_flower:



銀 is silver, but in the sense of the metal, so 銀の電車 would be a train made of silver. To refer to silver as a color, we would use 銀の電車.


見る is an ichidan verb, so to conjugate it to ます form we would follow that conjugation.
見るー>? What do you think?






This is definitely a real vocabulary word, but I think スーパー(short for スーパーマーケット) is more commonly used for large grocery stores and 店 by itself is used for smaller stores.

*Xについて=about/regarding X

I think it would be 見ます

Ah right, I forgot to write minnna, my bad.

I had to translate that Japanese sentence at the beginning, lack of vocabulary I’m afraid. But yes, I have been practicing a LOT.


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