It's That WaniKani Sale Time (Dec 18, 2018 - Jan 8, 2019)

Can anyone sell me on this? I really feel like I want to buy into it but not sure if it makes sense in my situation.

According to wkstats I will have burned all items at the earliest on February 2020, or on October 2020 if I keep the same pace I have been keeping this last 9 months. In any case it’s less than two years worth of content left, which translates to 89x2=178$ using the yearly subscription.

I know there’s not much difference between 178$ and 199$ and money is not really the biggest issue here, but what after I have burned everything? Not sure if I see myself restarting the whole thing.

Thanks for your answers!

Was a no brainer for me, and the prorated credit of my existing sub made it all the more worthwhile.

No guarantee my pace will remain the same, so gambling on n x yearly vs lifetime didn’t seem worth it. Plus ability to revisit down the line if it works for me.

Risks obviously - I may give up for good, I may finish in a shorter time, wanikani may cease operating etc. Overall pros outweigh cons for me. My progress thus far has surprised me, even if I did fall 1 day short of hitting LVL 10 in 2018! >100 lessons is pretty intimidating though…

I am no match for koichi’s marketing strategies.


If it were me, I’m not sure I’d want to burn everything either, to be honest. But, you know, life happens sometimes. You’re already at level 19, though, so you’ve gotten through the hard times by now. You know what’s up and where the workload will be at. I think either way you’ll probably be making a decision that makes sense, if future-Gothminister looks back on past-Gothminister sometime in 2020.


“Silly lifetime member…your commitment is enough.”

Doubt !!!:japanese_ogre:

I have finally joined the purple cloister. I did the maths and at my current rate, I wasn’t going to be finishing WaniKani until 2022, and that’s an optimistic estimate as well, not accounting for life and death and all that. Definitely made financial sense to become a lifetimer, but I also feel it appropriate now that I am fully committed to getting this sucker done, where a year before I was still testing the waters a bit. All hail the Crabigator!

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Considering my current pace I would hypothetically finish everything on 2029… Well, in this case Lifetime is totally worth it xD

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Wow thank you for your post, putting that way is totally worth buying lifetime, specially because the wkstats site says that I’ll probably finish by 2029 hahaha
Now I just need to hope that the site continues online for that many years xD

Thank you so much =D


So I still have some hard levels to pass hahaha
I’m burning some early levels stuff, but can’t seem to reduce my queue, my errors are huge lately >.< (maybe it’s because of the end of the year?)
Thank you for having the time to answer my post, I felt really honored =)
I think I decided to go for lifetime =)

So for an extra $21, you get the peace of mind that if something comes up in life you won’t have to worry about keeping your current WaniKani pace to avoid needing that third year. Plus, you never know when they’ll add new content.

I was in your same position last lifetime sale, except I was level 35 already, and personally the decision has been a good one. Life did happen and I stopped leveling entirely for three months. I will likely still finish within two annual subscriptions (since last year), but it was really nice to not have to worry about it.



First post… though i am a lurker at heart i couldn’t resist showing off my new durple colors… and my -totally non-cultish- shiny new title… so proud.

Totally worth it… i really suck at learning kanji and my success-percentage is abysmal, but wihout wanikani i would probably have quit learning japanese altogether.

So, in deep gratitutede, your humble servant zapit offers thee 20 levels of salt for your greater glory, oh crabigator, thou magnificient beast.
I will also be collecting my future tears to please thee and hopeth that you keep blessing me with thy sacred knowledge of durtle cracks in return.


Also if they ever add any vocab or kanji then you would be able to learn it later on!


I am milking my free content and today reached a nice symmetrical state!

Can’t afford lifetime, even with the special, but this is pretty special too!


Mine doesn’t look THAT good!

The mighty crabigator claims another soul!

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Gulp. I’ve gone and done it. No looking back now! Thanks for all the helpful posts which reassured me taking the plunge despite being a minnow of a Level 3-er…


I have ascended to Lifetime Durtle!!! “It is time!”


Why no purple?? :face_with_monocle:

Try logging out of the forums and then logging back in. That usually fixes it!


:astonished: It worked ありがとう!

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