It's That WaniKani Sale Time (Dec 18, 2018 - Jan 8, 2019)

You-know-who said no update here. That’s why I said to @Sezme senpai I’m confused :man_shrugging: I’m not even one of EtoEto users.

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Sorry, I didn’t mean to give any false hope. I just meant I’d be saving up my money for a long time.


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Ok, now I got it.

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Oh, Holy Crabigator I’m finally a lifetime member.
I shall worship you until the end of my days :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Christmas gift to myself :wink:

You all have a Merry Christmas and a happy new year!


Wish you the same.

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Dear fellowship to the great Crabigator,
I really would love to join the feast of a Lifetime, yet as someone >from Europe or something< I prefer Paypal.
Yet in the subsciption page I do not find a way to select paypal as payment method.
Does the Crabigator really need my credit card number or would they rather have the money it provides?

Thanks in advance!

Ok, never mind.
I just took a leap of faith and typed my credit card number.
Don’t misunderstand, I am still doubtful if my number is in safe hands… or claws.

Anyway, kanji - here I come!

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Oh no! We could have done Paypal (just have to email in). But, we’ll keep your card safe, or, actually, Stripe will. You can also delete your card in the billing section of your settings too - not like you’ll need it again!


I’ve joined the purple club! Which I will probably need because my level up speed is atrocious. :confetti_ball:

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So I purpled the other day. But I’ve been drinking sake tonight. And it’s pay day. And Christmas. And it suddenly seemed like a really good idea to buy packs of stickers. So I bought one. And then I had instant regret of not enough and bought the other one. I’ll probably end up purchasing everything in the shop individually as the night goes on :rofl:


I hope you enjoy all 2,137 of your sticker packs! :wink:


What if WaniKani had stickers? :thinking:

Lifetime membership, my Christmas present to myself!


4,678 and counting. Get your suppliers on the phone :wink:

@BananaNeko WaniKani does have stickers! They’re delicious with sake…

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OOOOH. I’m gonna get some :smiley:

Same dude lol With school, work, other passions and life, it’s been a real slow process for me. But I’m in this japanese adventure for the long run so might as well save money by spending money!

I bit the bullet. now Im stuck with this username for life :disappointed:

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I think there’s an option in your settings to change your user name, and you can do it as often as once every 31 days!


Finally! I didn’t miss the sale!
Now for a fresh start after the holidays!


Welp, I’m a new lifer. :slight_smile:

For those of you on the fence, I know many of you feel this is a lot of money (and it is), but just remember that learning a language takes many many long years. I’ve learned French for 14 years and Russian for 5 years and counting. I can assure you, I have spent countless hours trying to perfect a study method, and one that motivates me to continue rather than beat me into submission. I have also spent a lot of money on textbooks, notebooks, classes, and tutors. $199 USD is a lot, but for serious language learners, you know this is actually a hell of a deal. The amount of money and time that the WK team has saved us all is amazing. Not to mention the headaches of producing a pool of flashcards with all the creative memory devices they come up, and then running it SRS style on a public server. Jeeze… this is seriously heaven for a language learner.

All I can say is that you so much WK team for motivating so many of us with your creative methods, and spoon feeding it to us like this. The amount of work on the back-end must be staggering. You totally deserve our support!

Just pay the lifetime sub and join the cul-…team!