Is using Kaniwani bad? Interfering with WaniKani's SRS?

Absolutely not. The more chances you have to interact with your study items will just reinforce them to your SRS memorization. I’m using kamesame alongside WaniKani after seeing another’s suggestion and I love it. It’s also good practice for entering Japanese from English words as well and lets me specifically focus on getting a little extra practice on words that I have more trouble with or want to experiment with.

Just want to point out that the section of Wikipedia you linked two has just one source cited, and it’s from 2011, so now a decade old.

I had a quick google and found two more recent papers which contradict those findings (found a positive effect for increasing intervals. So I’d say the jury is still out.

Either way, in practicality, people are going to do whatever fits in with their lifestyle and the way they personally like to learn. So perhaps it’s neither here nor there.

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10 years isn’t really that long of a span. A lot of what our current methods are based on is older than that.

This is more what I was getting at (the argument that it may not be strictly necessary to have increasing intervals, not that increasing intervals were proven to be ineffective). I agree that the jury is still out on this.

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