Is there a limit to how much information the brain can take in at a time?

I agree completely! I do about 10 days a level. Keep up the good work!

I watch anime and listen to japanese music everyday and I NEED to watch/listen to it without subs for maximum enjoyment.

One can only :pray: my need is strong enough.


It depends on the individual and their skill level. I once read a scientific article where an expert once stated to questions like that to imagine your brain as a computer. Some computers have super fast processors, others do not. They can still do the same thing and we all have skills in different areas so it is best to utelise the skills you have rather than worry about what you cannot do. That said if you think you can manage over 100 reviews then go for it. If splitting up seems better for you then go for it. It all comes down to what is best for you personally.

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