Is it gonna be enough?

In my opinion, Japanese is an extremely difficult language.

For many languages, it’s enough to just watch some videos, learn some vocabs and some gramar and so on for long enough. Japanese is different. Everything you want to be able to do, you need to practice.
-You want to be able to read kanji? Than do WK
-You want to read Japanese? Than you need grammar and the vocab, that WK did not teach you.
-You want to write Japanese? Than you need to practice it! WK is a great ressource for this (if you use it with a handwriting input on your smartphone)
-You want to be able to listen to Japanese? Well this is a completely different task. Of course, it helps if you can read Japanese, but actually you have to study it. (“Shaddowing” is the most efficient technique to do this. You have a text and a transcript and try to synchronize your listening and reading comprehension)
-You want to be able to speak Japanese? Than practice it! Find a language exchange partner and talk, talk talk! Of course it helps to use WK, too (but it’s not enough).

You see, if you say: “I want to learn Japanese” there is a huge mountain of things to do. If you want some guidance, see this great post: My Journey of 368 days (+ The Ultimate Guide for WK 📖 ) - #2 by jprspereira

Basicly I want to say: just focus on some of this goals in the beginning. Find maybe 2 or 3 things you want to at a time (e.g. WK, KW and Tae Kims Guide). You won’t have time for more and if you do too much at a time, you won’t make progress! But if you find something that works for you, that stick with it, so that you will feel the progress.

Edit: I am right now practicing the skills “Reading kanji” (aka WaniKani), “Writing in Kanji” (aka KaniWani) and “Listening” (I do this by shadowing with the Satori Reader). So in total I do about 4 hours of studying per day. Just as an idea…