[iOS] Tsurukame - native app with offline lessons and reviews

Hi @davidsansome,

I wanted to say that I absolutely LOVE your app. It is hands down my favourite way to do my lessons and reviews - I walk 35 minutes to work each day and it makes it so easy to do on my iPhone for this walk.

Do you have a Patreon or anything? I would support this app if I could, I’m just not sure how I can. I went poking around on the github and I couldn’t find any links there.


OP has previously stated that they do not, as having one would make them feel more obligated to work on this app

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Just coming here to thank the creator of this App - it is sooo useful; thanks a million for creating this !

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Hello, thank you for the wonderful app, I have been using it for a long while now and it has done wonders!
I don’t know if you take feature requests, but I’m wondering if an option can be added to make kanji/kana font sizes larger or smaller during reviews and lessons. I use the app while commuting and also at work, and sometimes it’s a little awkward when I have the kanji for “dead body” or “testicles” up on my screen for native speakers to see lol. Thank you for considering!! (And in the meantime I’ll consider some privacy screen options…)

This is an amazing app! Thank you so much for creating it.

I noticed something that I think is a bug. When a vocab word has two readings and autoplay audio is enabled, it seems to always play the secondary reading. This can be a little jarring.

Feature request: after a batch of lessons, can we have a summary screen similar to the one after reviews that can even be converted to a screenshot fl be shared? I’m back on Hello Talk and my Japanese friends are really interested in Wanikani and how it works. I’d love to be able to easily share which new kanji and vocab I’m studying today.

Continue to love this app thank you!

Would anyone else like the AI visual mnemonics in it? I occasionally struggle to work with the written ones but some of the pictures they’ve created are really good.

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second this! Anything to help get through the vocab lessons would be great.

I think the issue with that is there would be even less than the one for reviews to display there. With lessons, we don’t really want to emphasize your accuracy percentages since they’re brand new…

Hello everyone! Just a quick one. When I review meaning and write together in settings and leave the order set in random, after making a mistake it doesn’t move to the next word.
Is normal? Or do I need to toggle some more settings to make it happen?

I would like to have just a standard review with the meaning and writing one after the other :slight_smile:


Yes, this is expected if you turn on back-to-back reviews since it overrides batch size to 1


Thanks for the answer, so I guess there is no way around for back to back with random order :pensive:

Not really caring about accuracy, just like “here’s the new words I learned today!” thing.

@weaverZ: To me, the text size and/or display zoom seems different. How do you have it configured?

It looks like it may be an issue with dynamic type, like I’ve seen in other apps from time to time: Sometimes the developer missed something, but Apple has also had text rendering bugs as well – though I’m not aware of any currently…but I’m on i(Pad)OS 17, and my work doesn’t currently involve i(Pad)OS so I may be out of the loop.

What with the recent font discourse, is there any chance that Tsurukame will ever add custom font support? I’ve found so many cool fonts that I’d love to add to the rotation, rather than just the ~4 available. (Not a programmer and don’t know how feasible it is, but if possible would be super cool)


Hello there!
I noticed that my Reviews and Lessons count differs from the count on my WK Dashboard.

While WK says, that there are 0 reviews, Tsurukame says that I have 37 reviews :face_with_spiral_eyes: The review forecast seems to be correct, though.

Is there a way to fix this?

The WK dashboard shows only a few lessons per day. If you press the Advanced button, you’ll see all your lessons, which should be the same as the number of lessons that Tsurukame shows.


Thanks. But what about the reviews?

The reviews should be the same. Maybe try a refresh? Pull down from the top and it should sync everything with WK.

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LOL…thanks! I’ve tried that a few times. Now it worked :sweat_smile: