Intermediate Japanese Book Club // Now Reading: 変な家 // Next: 妊娠カレンダー

Thanks for calling me! I fell into this trap called “work” and just got out of my last meeting of the day… :sweat_smile:

Anyway, the Poll is done (this time for real, I think :sweat_smile:), and

We Have a Tie :tada:

Between the voters for the two winners, i.e. 妊娠カレンダー and サイレント・ウィッチ, there is very few overlap (only 3 voters voted for both of them, if I counted correctly, while 28 voted for just one book). Therefore I’d like to evaluate various options and have a tie-breaking poll as well as try to follow this historical precedent of having a narrow decision with little overlap to figure out how to continue:

First scenario: Classical tie-breaking - we pick one winner and read it, and have a new poll afterwards

Which book do you most want to read: (You do not have to vote if you like them both or if you like none)

  • 妊娠カレンダー
  • サイレント・ウィッチ
0 voters

Which books would you be fine reading along with the book club? (I.e. even if it isn’t your first pick, you still plan to buy it and read with us)

  • 妊娠カレンダー
  • サイレント・ウィッチ
0 voters

Second scenario: Both 妊娠カレンダー and サイレント・ウィッチ are read at the same time. What would you do?

  • Only read 妊娠カレンダー
  • Only read サイレント・ウィッチ
  • Try to read both, but prioritize 妊娠カレンダー
  • Try to read both, but prioritize サイレント・ウィッチ
  • Read neither
  • Not sure
0 voters

Extra scenario: We read 妊娠カレンダー first (simply because it is shorter), then サイレント・ウィッチ (that’s about 500 pages, so 33 weeks at the current pace, delaying the next poll for quite a while). Would you agree to that, and what will you do?

  • Agree (will read both)
  • Agree (will only read one)
  • Disagree (want a new poll as normal)
  • Not sure
0 voters

What will we make of this?

I must confess I have no clear plan right now. I think I would like to pick the solution that makes the largest number of club participants happy. Let’s hope we can find it in the poll results :innocent:

Oh and by the way

We had a pretty large number of books drop out in this round due to too little interest in three polls in a row. :cry: These are:

  • きらきらひかる
  • 嵐のピクニック
  • パレード
  • 旅猫リポート

which means we have lots of space for new nominations :grin: