I’m interested but have more books on the go than I usually would, so I’ll have to see if I can catch up/finish those first.
I’m interested in the book, but since I already bought the next IBC pick, I wouldn’t be able to start until that’s over.
Same as @eaburns, I‘m interested in the book but will be busy with the next IBC next week…and the rest of the current one I haven’t finished yet. I don’t suppose you‘d be ok with starting at any other time? Like in February or something? I might try reading two novels at once, but not if the awkward warm-up period for both starts in the same week while I‘m still struggling through the backlog of another club.
I’ve set up the club here as an informal one, so feel free to join whenever you like.
The Silent Witch club has now officially started. All welcome!
Nomination post
Author: 江戸川 乱歩
Page count: 245
Natively link: 怪人二十面相 | L28
著者:江戸川 乱歩(1894-1965) 底本:怪人二十面相/少年探偵団 江戸川乱歩推理文庫、講談社 このコンテンツは日本国内ではパブリックドメインの作品です。印刷版からデジタル版へ変換はボランティアによって行われたものです。 おことわり: この青空文庫作品に収録されているコンテンツには、誤字脱字等の問題が含まれる場合があります。「青空文庫作業マニュアル」の指針に基づき、Amazon においてその内容を修正および改変することなく、作品のコンテンツは一字一句そのまま収録しています。報告された誤字脱字等の問題については、青空文庫に連絡させていただいておりますが、修正の是非および時期については青空文庫の意向によるため、改善しかねることがございます。あらかじめご了承ください。
Author: Edogawa Rampo (1894-1965) Bottom line: The Phantom with Twenty Faces / Detective Boys Edogawa Rampo mystery collection, Kodansha This content is a public domain work in Japan. Conversion from print to digital edition was done by volunteers. Notice: The contents contained in this Aozora Bunko work may contain typographical errors or other problems. In accordance with the guidelines in the Aozora Bunko Operations Manual, the content of this work has been included verbatim without modification or alteration by Amazon. We will contact Aozora Bunko regarding any reported typographical errors or omissions, but we may not be able to remedy the problem, as the decision as to whether and when to make corrections depends on Aozora Bunko’s wishes. Please understand in advance.
(Translator: DeepL)
CD Japan
Aozora (Free - this book is outside copyright)
Amazon US
Amazon JP
Kinokuniya JP
Amazon Kindle JP
youtube (audio version)
Personal Opinion
This is the quote that made me really want to read the book:
I’ve read it last month and really enjoyed it! I think it’s a good pick for the Book Club, see why in the Pros.
Pros and Cons for the Book Club
- It’s available for free on Azora (and even an audiobook version on youtube). I didn’t find the formatting on Azora to be amazing, but I’m sure we can save the text as a text file and upload it to a better reader like https://reader.ttsu.app
- The chapters are quite short and full of action, perfect for scheduling
- Even though the book is old, it wasn’t too bad with old words or kanji forms or expressions, and unknown words were easy to lookup thanks to Yomichan (or you can also copy paste sentences directly to a machine translation)
- ? maybe something with the page counts that will need to be calculated
Pictures / Example sentences
Not pasting pictures, you can skim the whole book directly by yourself:
I found an epub on Zlibrary with proper formatting. Interestingly, the text is the same but the choice of what’s written in kanji and kana is different, as well as what gets furigana and what doesn’t:
My totally legit epub
挨 拶 でもするように、怪人「二十面相」の噂をしていました。
「二十面相」というのは、毎日毎日新聞記事を賑 わしている、不思議な盗賊の渾 名 です。その賊は二十の全く違った顔を持っているといわれていました。つまり変装が飛び切り上手なのです。
I find the epub version more pleasant to read.
Not an expert on out of copyright stuff, but I don’t think you can get a non legit copy, by definition they are now all legit?
I’m not an expert either which is why I’m careful. Also in this case the edition I’ve found contains two stories: this 怪人二十面相 and also another one titled 黒蜥蜴. But I just checked and it’s also on aozora: 江戸川乱歩 黒蜥蜴
So I guess I can freely share the epub with y’all if we pick it.
The book description sounds interesting and I enjoy mysteries. By the way, I heard 江戸川乱歩 (Edogawa Ranpo) is a pen name he came up with, which is a play on the Japanese pronunciation of Edgar Allan Poe. I’m not sure how well-known this is, but I love this factoid…
This happens a lot with Aozora works. Reprints get edits and changes pretty often. You’ll even see two versions of the same work on Aozora sometimes because two different volunteers copied two different published editions of the same work. Sometimes it’s minor and sometimes it’s quite extreme (all the kanji and grammar has been modernized for example)
Amazon Kindle JP says Buy for Free, but it isn’t marked as Free on Natively. Another book also, 風立ちぬ.
Anyway, I got both books on Kindle and the in-built dictionaries are quite good, whether JE or JJ, though it doesn’t conjugate. I think ttsu / Yomitan deconjugates well, but it involves deDRM and good dictionary acquisition…
I have always read on Bookwalker, because of ranks and coins; but also fear of Amazon JP account will be taken down or blocked, and I don’t want to take troubles of de’d and Yomitan set up on Android tablet. That being said, DoIJG and Quartet were cleanly de’d.
I don’t find the Aozora website fit for long reading. Web app readers don’t allow selecting text. Maybe converting to epub could work, but I have never tried that…
Looking forward to testing out Kindle app’s capability.
If the book gets picked, I will definitely help with finding / making an epub version
You can install JMdict on Kindle (no DRM/jailbreak shenanigans required) and then you have the equivalent of jisho.org accessible straight from the reader. Highly recommended. You also have jmnedict for proper names.
NOTE: Unfortunately the Kindle Android App does not support dictionary inflections, yielding verbs lookup practically impossible. No known workaround.
Unfortunately the Kindle iOS App seems to suffer from the same limitations regarding inflections.
Oh. Annoying.
The dictionary on a proper kindle mostly does identify verbs correctly from their conjugated form. I don’t know why the app version doesn’t, but using the app on Mac or IOS, it won’t find verbs in the dictionary most of the time. (On the other hand, if you have another dictionary app on your phone, you can copy the conjugated verb and paste into your dictionary or just a website. So doable, but an extra step)