Intermediate Japanese Book Club // Now Reading: サイレント・ウィッチ

Oh, I see! (I had expected Ame&Yuki to be due to be removed due to unpopularity, but this seems to have been a misperception then.)

Fair enough :slight_smile: As this project was kinda slow to take off, I left my already-purchased book in storage for the duration of my travels around Japan. Therefore I’m also not eager to push it now. (If it happens, it happens, and that’s also fine with me, but I won’t be the one to make it happen.)


Yep, it cleared the bar, I just checked :ok_hand:

Same here. I do hope it happens, but I won’t be the change I want to see this time :stuck_out_tongue:


It’s basically a case of noone did anything because noone did anything. :stuck_out_tongue:

But hey, if it can manage to actually win the next round of voting…


Same here, I’m also moving around too much to have the book always available, so I’m actually kind of glad nothing is happening in that direction yet. :sweat_smile:

I also think it’s fine to wait for this round’s results before doing anything, since that should coincide nicely with when my life will become a bit more stable.

Well, if someone else decided to work on setting this up before then, I’d join in as much as I was able, but yeah. Sub-optimal. ^^


I blame noone for this.


I just received the book and I’m actually super excited to read it, but I also have to agree, life and other commitments is too much at the moment so I’m low key glad it’s being unofficially postponed :sweat_smile:


Kino Chapter 4 is really testing my motivation to read. Ugh.

No breakpoints and no real story progress is making me not want to pick up the book that often.


Haha, I remember that. We did get a significant drop in readership at that time :sweat_smile:


Definitely a pro :wink:

Osakaben best ben

recently found volumes 1-15 in used bookstore and very happy

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One of the characters in Yuru Camp (the next BBC book) inexplicably speaks in Osaka-ben, despite having grown up in Yamanashi like most of the other characters. :slightly_smiling_face:


It’s explicable because why wouldn’t you choose to speak that way


For anyone interested in Saint Young Men, the first volume is currently free on bookwalker.

not that im grouchy about buying it literally last week or anything


Oh dang, this is so annoying! I feel you…

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One awesome thing you can do on bookwalker that some people might not know (I even knew about it for a while but haven’t started really taking advantage of it until recently), is that when you put books you’re interested in buying in your check list, you can later go to your check list page and navigate to those links on the top of the page:

(Usually there are 2 links, one for coin-up and another for オトク)

Click on any and it’ll take you to a page where it shows you all the books in your check list that have coin-up or オトク. Pretty sweet! It has saved me many many times recently. I usually check this list every couple days.


I liked your post at the time but somehow failed to realize it was from you. Welcome back!!

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I’m trying to be a little more active again!
Self-quarantine helps :wink:


Omg, about two weeks ago I was wondering where you were (I was remembering you and sigolino, I think, competing to answer questions first :grin:) and considering posting on the Beginners’ thread to see if you were just elsewhere in the forums, and then I saw your message last week on here and assumed I’d just missed you because you were sticking to the Intermediate club :sweat_smile:

It’s nice to see you! :wave:


I was dropping away from the forum leading up to it anyway (I didn’t even finish my own book club nomination!), but basically after taking the JLPT I had completely burnt myself out on Japanese and just stopped doing anything associated with it. I’ve been easing myself back in though, off and on. Reading some comics, playing the og ff7 again, reading amusingly bad Star Wars novel’s Japanese translation I found, browsing the forums here and there, ordered 獣の奏者 because I’ve wanted to read it for awhile even though I won’t participate in the book club, etc.
As my level attests though, I still haven’t touched a single flashcard :laughing:


How did it go, by the way? Or is it a bad thing to ask?

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I didn’t do irredeemably bad, but I did poorly.