Intermediate Japanese Book Club // Now Reading: サイレント・ウィッチ

The next Poll is upon us!

Have a look at the List of Proposed Books section in the first post for details on each book. Every book has a difficulty associated with it (based on book club members voting, thus subjective) out of 5, where 1 means “no effort at all” and 5 means “so much effort my head might explode”. The difficulty is annotated in the poll in square brackets after the book’s name, together with the book’s level on Natively (you can find the links to Natively for all books in the first post if you want to have a look at the gradings in detail).

Do not rely solely on difficulty or Natively level when making a choice. Please have a look at nomination posts if you haven’t already.

Expected reading pace: We aim to read books at ~15 pages per week (that number might vary a bit throughout, depending on the book’s breaks and chapters). For manga, depending on difficulty and chapter length, we will probably read one to several chapters per week. The pick’s exact reading schedule will be negotiated before the book club kicks off.

Short book rule: If the first place ist taken by a pick that will take us 6 weeks or less to read, we will read the one in second place directly after it, without running a poll in between. I haven’t checked in detail, but I’d assume that this basically applies in case one of the manga wins the poll.

Start of Book Club: We will start the next book on June 18th (after a one-week break).

Poll duration: I will close the poll within a week (and most likely before that), whenever it looks like voting has dried up. You can choose up to 5 options.

  • きらきらひかる [2.67 / L30??]
  • 日本人の知らない日本語 (Manga) [2.4 / L29]
  • 山と食欲と私 (Manga) [2.5 / L25]
  • くま クマ 熊 ベアー [2.36 / L24]
  • 天気の子 [2.64 / L31]
  • ガイコツ書店員本田さん (Manga) [2.45 / L24??]
  • リング [2.67 / L34]
  • City (Manga) [2.56 / L24??]
  • TUGUMI [2.5 / L30]
  • Just Because! [2.17 / L30??]
  • 笑顔のたえない職場です。 (Manga) [2.83 / L29??]
  • 穴 [2 / L38]
  • 人質の朗読会 [2.43 / L30??]
  • 死にたいけどトッポッキは食べたい [2.75 / L30??]
  • Spy x Family [2.75 / L30]

0 voters

EDIT: I forgot to annotate that Spy x Family is a manga, sorry! Also, I wanted to point out that there is currently a coin cashback sale going on at BookWalker until 2022-05-06T01:00:00Z. I think by then we should already be able to forecast which entry is likely to be among the winners, for those who want to buy before the sale ends.