Intermediate Japanese Book Club // Now Reading: サイレント・ウィッチ

ドアD (Door D)


Yuna and her 7 university tennis club friends were kidnapped and woke up in an unknown room. With only one locked door, and water filling into the room fast, they must figure out a way to escape before they all drown.

There’s a lever that opens the door. But it only holds the door open while pulled. One person will have to remain.

And this is just the start. Through a series of death trap rooms, and chances of survival slim, each other’s humanity will be tested. Will the group make it out alive? Will anyone make it out alive? And what awaits upon getting through the final door?


Personal Opinion

Psychological thrillers are one of my favorite genres, I also like the esacpe room theme. Much like the zero escape series, the American movie " Escape room" that just came out 2019, and I think the saw movies was the same setup? It’s a good lenght, 235, and it should be around the same difficulty as autumn prison.

Pros and Cons for the Book Club


  • Ebook available
  • short
  • Interesting premise


  • Japanese people don’t like it
  • Might be scary for some people


Difficulty Poll

How much effort would you need to read this book?

  • No effort at all
  • Minimal effort
  • Just right
  • Challenging
  • Impossible, even with everyone’s help
  • I don’t know (please click this if you’re not voting seriously)

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