I used my first WaniKani word today

A friend of mine from Japan is going to an English school in Australia and was asking me about differences in bathroom etiquette. While I’m American, I did my best to explain some things I figured were the same between Americans and Australians. During this conversation, we got on the subject of body wash, which she wasn’t familiar with. I mentioned that my favorite scent for girls was coconut, but to prevent the case she ever gets me anything coconut flavor related, I made sure to say the next sentence:


Not sure if that is correct usage of 人工, but she seemed to understand without skipping a beat, and the conversation continued. Nice to already see WK paying off. :3


I think i already forget that one! Or just don’t understand it in context, haha. Doesn’t help that I don’t know this one 香り. 説明してくれない?

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Normally かおり is used as in “fragrance”, usually meaning a good smell, and the opposite of くさい.

匂い on the other hand usually means good, but can be modified to mean bad (or just be neutral).

いいにおい = かお
わるにおい = くさい.

There are probably some other, subtle nuance differences, but that’s probably a decent layman’s explanation. :]


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