I took a break from Wanikani for about Two Months. Would it be best for me to reset at my current level or just pickup where I left off?

Well, I believe that’s how the ‘critical items’ list is populated on your dashboard. But that sounds like an interesting idea!

Yeah, it would be kind of a painful session, watching all those items go back into Lessons. But then you can actually not have 200+ unfamililar Apprentice items to try to review. (That’s a very unproductive situation!) Instead, you can just treat it like learning new content, and you can control the pace!

I don’t want to get pedantic over words, I meant that you’re able to recall them to some extent, not necessarily get both meaning and reading right after not seeing it for three months. I certainly think it’s possible to recall items from every level even if your hit ratio will be marginal in some of them. I also think it’s a little silly to assume you won’t take in any information just because of the volume of reviews, if you’re doing “loads” of them to the point where you’re just frustrated and mashing through them, you should stop doing them for the day.

As far as resets are concerned, do whatever you feel is best. If you reset you will attain happiness but it’s nothing but momentary, you will have to do all of those items again at some point, admittedly at a slower, more “normal” pace. But you’ll still have spots with a high number of apprentice items when those items come back for review every level, and now you have the extra burden of having to re-do potentially several levels’ worth of content on top of that (you could just reset one level but it’s common to see people resetting quite a few more or even going back to level 1 because of burnout). It’s better to just make peace with the amount of work you have to do and work at it for a few days at an easy pace.

The correct percentage isn’t good or bad, people let themselves think that it has a significant impact on their WK experience when it shouldn’t. You do not want to aim for a “bad” hit percentage but it being close to 50% isn’t the end of the world, it just means you’ll get more chances to drill information you consider pertinent to your studies into your brain.

Neither do I :stuck_out_tongue:
Obviously I meant that you will take in little information rather than no information :wink:

I agree that you will clearly be able to recall some items from even your most recent level. I think the argument is that if you only recall 5% of the items from the most recent, what is really the point in not simply starting that over?

You’ll see that nearly everybody in this thread was recommending resetting (if at all) a few levels rather than back to level 1, based on the rate of retention of each level.

I understand your argument but it seems much of a muchness to me. Both approaches result in a similar outcome. It’s just whichever is psychologically easier to deal with and which helps you remember your items the best in the long-run.

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I had actually reset from level 6 to 1.

I started at the beginning of December, 2016. Things were going great, but then I had classes that made it difficult to maintain studying. I also didn’t understand how to use WK in a way that works for me (completely ignore website timers and just do my obligatory “morning” and “evening” review; no matter if it’s 2 items or 200, don’t do lessons unless I feel like learning, etc.) During that first campaign I always had way too many apprentice items. I also felt really frustrated about the timers not giving me an absolute time. I wished I could plan reviews to fit between classes, so I installed a script that shows a full calendar. But then my performance in my reviews happened to be worse because of my motivations behind satisfying the gamified experience.

It was hard to choose to reset. But in the end, I chose to go through with the reset after a week of thinking about it and reflecting on what went well and not so well. I got an opportunity to create a new culture for myself. Now I’ve been pretty consistent!

WK team needs to know about this. Great idea.

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Thanks! Not sure if it’s the right thing to do, but I went ahead and made a feedback thread: Sudden Death Reset


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