I think "見付ける" should have the additional definition: "to discover"

Hey team!

I was hoping I could convince you to add the meaning “to discover” to the list of definitions for the vocabulary word: “見付ける”. Right now it has “to find” and “to find something” but on jisho.org, it has the meaning “to discover” and it feels so wrong to not see it as a possible definition T___T If there is a reason you chose this and I’m completely off base, please feel free to internet-slap my face.

Always yours,


You can always add is as a user synonym if you feel a different definition works as well.

The use of 見付ける for discovery in Japanese is more limited than the meaning in English. It’s a quite small scale thing in Japanese. As in, “I discovered a typo in the email I sent earlier.” When you make a scientific discovery or something in Japanese, they use 発見する. So, it’s possibly a case where the staff thought “eh, ‘to find’ keeps it on the correct scale without people thinking it can mean any kind of discovery”. Or maybe they just forgot to add it and don’t care about the nuance. Because a lot of other words’ definitions would say it could just be a lost detail. Who knows.

You could always email them too after you add it as a synonym.

I think the distinction between just finding something on the ground (that you may have dropped or lost) and discovering something (generally for the first time) is big enough that they don’t want to lead you to use the word that way. I don’t think I would ever use “discover” in place of “find”, but maybe the reverse is true: “Hey, I found this new _____.”

And of course adding your own synonyms is an option. I know there are a bunch of words on here that I rolled my eyes when I used a different word than theirs.

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Sorry @valeth, that was not meant to be a direct reply. :sweat_smile:

Had the same issue a few times.
Especially when they start introducing old kanji as radicals or sometimes the other way round.

Yeah, sometimes I feel like I’m teaching WK Japanese. Like yesterday I typed こ for the reading of the kanji of 娘. It didn’t shake, it just told me it was wrong. I patronizingly reminded WK that こ and むすめ are both valid kunyomi readings for 娘.

But you can’t add reading “synonyms.”

男の娘 is a very important word

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