I guess I am here for the long haul


I can tell that I am recognizing various kanji and even some vocab before learning it and it does feel good when that happens (and shows that I am picking up on stuff). I knew basically zero kanji when I started (a few numbers plus 山, which I more figured out when I was in Taiwan) and my vocab knowledge was picking up some stuff from video games (not the most helpful in day to day knowledge).

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Oh, wow. How rough was it to keep up you accuracy to a reasonable level with that many items?

Thanks and I didn’t know that!

It was not rough but I did reviews in small batches and used the double-check extension to undo honest mistakes such as typos or rejected meanings that do not match the WK definition but that match Jisho.

Oh, if you’re looking to take the N4 it might be handy to check out the sample questions on the JLPT’s website. I’m below level 27 but I can still cope fairly well with it (of course, the sample questions won’t necessarily protect you from a curveball on the test…), and it’s good way to check if you’ve got your grammar points lined up.


That will be pretty helpful a few months down the line (I am still at level 4 on here and started less than a month ago). I should be getting my Genki I book at the end of the month, which should help me get some of the grammar down (I think you are supposed to make it through Genki II before you try N4). I think I used level 27, since WK Stats said that is when you would have all of the N4 kanji.

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