I did a thing. (and that thing is reaching level 60...)

Congrats! Any plans on burning anything, or sticking around to do reviews any longer?

oh yeah, I intend to burn every goddamn thing eventually

Best of luck, I’m working on it but with my handicap of being an idiot it’s taking way longer than I thought, I hit level 60 at the end of January and I still get 50-150 reviews a day (I thought I’d try to burn all but I decided that after April I’ll cancel my subscription. Turns out being dumb and getting stuff wrong makes it take a lot longer than 4 months…

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I have the same pace as you and I find myself in the same boat. Just being consistent with daily reviews and not letting things pile up helps a lot! I do 20-25 lessons a day and have found things slowing down quite a bit now that my radicals went from 20/level to like 6/level and I can get most of my kanji done relatively early in the level. I usually just do the same schedule- reviews and lessons in the morning, with a mid day and evening review to keep things moving. Can’t wait until I have my gold circle too, and most of all CONGRATULATIONS!!!


Congratulations! This is amazing! You definitely made the best out of this pandemic.

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Congratulations, felicitations, laudations, and any other congratulatory -ations! :tada::tada::tada:

Here’s your cake, you’ve earnt it: :wink:


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