How to filter vocab by type?

Hi all, quick question (which I think has not been answered in any other thread yet):
Is there a possibility, or a script, to filter my vocab items by type? For example, filter out verbs / adverbs / nouns / etc. separately?

Would appreciate any pointers you can give :bowing_woman:

Iโ€™m not aware of any such script. I think it might be hard to do for many vocabulary items, since thereโ€™s kind of an overlap between nouns and adjectives, and sometimes with adverbs and even verbs in the case of โ€œsuruโ€ verbs.

I would love an addition to the self-study quiz that gave us the ability to test ourselves on regular (godan and ichidan) verbs, since these seem to be my biggest memory challenge.


FIlter/display them where?

You can do it from the Javascript console if you have Open Framework installed.
Open your Javascript console (press F12 and click on the Console tab), then copy/paste the following into the console and press enter:

var parts_of_speech = {};
wkof.ready('ItemData').then(function() {
	wkof.ItemData.get_items().then(function(items) {
		items.forEach(function(item) {
			if (item.object !== 'vocabulary') return;{
				if (!parts_of_speech[pos]) parts_of_speech[pos] = [];

Then paste this into the console and press enter:


โ€ฆand interactively explore results by click on the little triangle icons to expand each section:

To get a list of the parts-of-speech, type:

Object.keys(parts_of_speech).join(', ')


"numeral, noun, intransitive_verb, godan_verb, transitive_verb, ichidan_verb, adverb, suffix, no_adjective, expression, i_adjective, adjective, proper_noun, prefix, na_adjective, suru_verb, interjection, counter, pronoun, conjunction"

To view the list of vocab in a specific category:

parts_of_speech['godan_verb'].join(', ')


"ๅ…ฅใ‚‹, ไธŠใŒใ‚‹, ไธŠใ‚‹, ไธ‹ใŒใ‚‹, ๅ‡บใ™, ๆญฃใ™, ็”Ÿใ‚€, ็ซ‹ใค, ๅˆ†ใ‹ใ‚‹, ๅˆ‡ใ‚‹, ๅคชใ‚‹, ๅผ•ใ, ๆญขใพใ‚‹, ไผ‘ใ‚€, ไปฃใ‚ใ‚‹, ๅ†™ใ™, ๅ†™ใ‚‹, ๆ‰“ใค, ็”ณใ™, ไผšใ†, ๅ›žใ‚‹, ๅฝ“ใŸใ‚‹, ่กŒใ, ่กŒใ†, ๅญฆใถ, ไฝœใ‚‹, ๅฃฒใ‚‹, ่จ€ใ†, ่ตฐใ‚‹, ๆœ‰ใ‚‹, ๆญปใฌ, ๆญฉใ, ็›ดใ™, ็›ดใ‚‹, ๆ€ใ†, ้ฆ–ใซใชใ‚‹, ๅคฑใ†, ้€šใ‚‹, ไฝใ‚€, ๅฝนใซ็ซ‹ใค, ่ฒทใ†, ่ฉฑใ™, ไฝฟใ†, ๅง‹ใพใ‚‹, ๆณณใ, ไน—ใ‚‹, ๅพ…ใค, ๆŒใค, ๅ‹ใค, ้€ใ‚‹, ้…ใ‚‹, ็ต‚ใ‚ใ‚‹, ็ฟ’ใ†, ่ปขใŒใ‚‹, ้€ฒใ‚€, ้‹ใถ, ้ฃฒใ‚€, ่žใ, ่ชญใ‚€, ้ณดใ, ไบ‰ใ†, ๆˆใ‚‹, ๅˆฉใ, ๆ”พใ™, ๆณจใ, ่‚ฒใค, ๆ‹พใ†, ๆŒ‡ใ™, ่ฟฝใ†, ็ซถใ†, ๅƒใ, ๆตใ™, ๆถˆใ™, ๅ‹•ใ, ็™ปใ‚‹, ็€ใ, ไบกใใชใ‚‹, ๅˆใ†, ๆ›ฒใŒใ‚‹, ่ฟ‘ใฅใ, ๆ€ใ„ๅ‡บใ™, ่ฆ‹็›ดใ™, ๅ‡บๆฅไธŠใŒใ‚‹, ไบคใ˜ใ‚‹, ่ตฐใ‚Šๅ›žใ‚‹, ไบคใ‚ใ‚‹, ๅ›žใ™, ไป˜ใ, ๅŠฉใ‹ใ‚‹, ้–“ใซๅˆใ†, ่ฟ”ใ‚‹, ๆฅฝใ—ใ‚€, ๆฑบใพใ‚‹, ๅŒ–ใ‹ใ™, ๅ‘ใ, ๅ‡บไผšใ†, ่‹ฆใ—ใ‚€, ๆฐ—ไป˜ใ, ่ฆ‹้€ใ‚‹, ่ฟ”ใ™, ่ฆ‹่ฟ”ใ‚‹, ่ปขใถ, ้›†ใพใ‚‹, ่ฝใจใ™, ้–‹ใ, ่ตทใ“ใ‚‹, ้ณดใ‚‹, ๆญŒใ†, ๆ‰‹ไผใ†, ๅฅฝใ‚€, ่ฟฝใ„ไป˜ใ, ๆˆฆใ†, ไผใ‚ใ‚‹, ๆ˜ ใ‚‹, ๆฎบใ™, ่ฌใ‚‹, ้ธใถ, ้คŠใ†, ๅ‚ใ‚‹, ๅ›ฒใ‚€, ๆŠ˜ใ‚‹, ๆœ›ใ‚€, ๆฎ‹ใ‚‹, ๅธฐใ‚‹, ๆณฃใ, ๆ‚ฒใ—ใ‚€, ่ฝใก็€ใ, ไฟ‚ใ‚ใ‚‹, ไฟใค, ๅ–ใ‚‹, ๅ–œใถ, ๅฎˆใ‚‹, ๆ€ฅใ, ๆ›ธใ, ๆฒปใ™, ็ฌ‘ใ†, ๅ‹•ใ‹ใ™, ่ตทใ“ใ™, ๆ˜ ใ™, ๆฎ‹ใ™, ๅนฒใ™, ๅปบใค, ๅˆ‡ใ‚Šๅ–ใ‚‹, ๅ–ใ‚Šๅ‡บใ™, ๆ›ธใ็›ดใ™, ๆด—ใ†, ็„ผใ, ็ฅˆใ‚‹, ่จฑใ™, ่ฉฆใ™, ๅ›ฐใ‚‹, ๅฑฅใ, ๆ”นใพใ‚‹, ๆททใ–ใ‚‹, ๆธ›ใ‚‹, ็ตกใ‚€, ็ถšใ, ไฝ™ใ‚‹, ๅ€’ใ™, ่ขซใ‚‹, ็Šฏใ™, ็”ฃใ‚€, ็ตŒใค, ้˜ฒใ, ้ฃ›ใถ, ่กจใ™, ไนฑใ™, ๆททใ‚€, ๆททใ˜ใ‚‹, ๆธ›ใ‚‰ใ™, ๆธˆใ‚€, ๆŒ™ใŒใ‚‹, ๆ–ญใ‚‹, ็œใ, ่„ฑใ, ็ฝฎใ, ๅ–ถใ‚€, ็คบใ™, ๅธใ†, ๆธˆใพใ™, ๅ‰ฒใ‚‹, ่ฃใ, ๅฐŽใ, ๅผตใ‚‹, ๅ‘ผใถ, ้•ใ†, ๆ‹…ใ, ็ฅใ†, ๅฑŠใ, ่งฆใ‚‹, ่ผ‰ใ‚‹, ๅทฎใ™, ้‡ใ‚‹, ้™ใ‚‹, ้ ‘ๅผตใ‚‹, ๆŠœใ, ๆ•ใพใ‚‹, ๅซใ‚€, ๆธกใ‚‹, ๆธกใ™, ้Ÿฟใ, ่ฃœใ†, ๆง‹ใ†, ๅŠนใ, ๅทปใ, ๆœใ™, ็ตžใ‚‹, ้š ใ™, ๆ›ฟใ‚ใ‚‹, ้ฃ›ใฐใ™, ๅข—ใ‚„ใ™, ่งฃใ, ๆ–ญใค, ็พใ™, ๅˆบใ™, ๅŠฑใพใ™, ๅพ“ใ†, ๆ‹…ใ†, ๆŒฏใ‚‹, ็‡ƒใˆไป˜ใ, ็ชใ, ้€ ใ‚‹, ้šœใ‚‹, ้Žใ”ใ™, ๆŽ›ใ‹ใ‚‹, ๅฐฑใ, ๆ€’ใ‚‹, ๆ€’้ณดใ‚‹, ๆ‚ฉใ‚€, ๆƒ‘ใ†, ่ฆ‹ๆŠœใ, ๆŠœใๅ‡บใ™, ๆ‹›ใ, ๆ˜‡ใ‚‹, ็น”ใ‚‹, ่…น็ซ‹ใค, ่ช˜ใ†, ่ฒธใ™, ่ฟซใ‚‹, ่ฟทใ†, ้€€ใ, ไธฆใถ, ๅ‡ใ‚‹, ๆ’ƒใค, ็งปใ™, ็ตถใค, ้€†ใ‚‰ใ†, ไนพใ, ไฟƒใ™, ๅฃŠใ™, ็•ฅใ™, ็—›ใ‚€, ็œ ใ‚‹, ็ฉใ‚‚ใ‚‹, ็ท ใพใ‚‹, ่ฉฐใพใ‚‹, ้“ใซ่ฟทใ†, ๅ†ทใ‚„ใ™, ๅปถใฐใ™, ๆŠผใ™, ๆ’ฎใ‚‹, ๆตฎใ, ๆธ‡ใ, ็…งใ‚‰ใ™, ็›—ใ‚€, ้Šใถ, ้ฃพใ‚‹, ้จ’ใ, ็ตถใ‚„ใ™, ็ทจใ‚€, ้™คใ, ๆŽƒใ, ้ฉšใ, ๅ˜†ใ, ๆ•‘ใ†, ๆ•ฃใ‚‹, ๅฏŒใ‚€, ๆŽขใ™, ็งปใ‚‹, ๆŽกใ‚‹, ้ฃผใ†, ่พผใ‚€, ่จณใ™, ๆผใ‚‰ใ™, ่ถŠใ™, ๅž‚ใ‚‰ใ™, ๆ‹กใŒใ‚‹, ๆ“ใ‚‹, ๆšฎใ‚‰ใ™, ็•ฐใชใ‚‹, ็››ใ‚‹, ่ฃๅˆ‡ใ‚‹, ๆ€–ใŒใ‚‹, ่ฟทใ‚ใ™, ็ฉใ‚€, ไผผๅˆใ†, ้ฉšใ‹ใ™, ไนพใ‹ใ™, ๆ•ฃใ‚‰ใ‹ใ™, ้›ขใ™, ๅผ•ใฃ่ถŠใ™, ่ฟฝใ„่ถŠใ™, ๅ‚ทใคใ, ็”ณใ—่พผใ‚€, ๆ›ธใ่พผใ‚€, ๆŸ“ใพใ‚‹, ๆฑšใ™, ่ฉฐใ‚่พผใ‚€, ้™ใ‚‹, ๅใ, ็ธฎใพใ‚‹, ๆ‹ใ‚€, ๆฒฟใ†, ๆ‰ฟใ‚‹, ๆใชใ†, ่…ใ‚‹, ๅˆปใ‚€, ้–‰ใพใ‚‹, ็ดใพใ‚‹, ่’ธใ—่ฟ”ใ™, ่ฃ…ใ†, ๆธฌใ‚‹, ็ ดใ‚‹, ๆปžใ‚‹, ้…”ใ†, ๆ‰•ใ†, ๅใๅ‡บใ™, ๅŠใถ, ๆ‘˜ใ‚€, ็ถ™ใ, ่ˆžใ†, ่ธใ‚€, ้ ผใ‚€, ็››ใ‚ŠไธŠใŒใ‚‹, ๆฅใšใ‹ใ—ใŒใ‚‹, ่ทณใถ, ๅ„Ÿใ†, ๅ‹Ÿใ‚‹, ๅŸทใ‚‹, ๅดฉใ™, ๆ‚ฃใ†, ๆˆปใ™, ๆˆปใ‚‹, ๅผพใ‚€, ่ดใ, ้ฃใ†, ้—˜ใ†, ่‡จใ‚€, ๅ‰Šใ‚‹, ๆตใ‚€, ๆŠฑใ, ่‘ฌใ‚‹, ้ ผใ‚‹, ็นฐใ‚‹, ่‡ดใ™, ไผดใ†, ๅ‚พใ, ๆ‰ฑใ†, ๆใ, ็ทฉใ‚€, ่จ—ใ™, ่ดˆใ‚‹, ่ณ„ใ†, ไผธใฐใ™, ๅŠใผใ™, ่ธใฟ่พผใ‚€, ่ถ…ใ™, ็‡ƒใ‚„ใ™, ๆ‰•ใ„ๆˆปใ™, ๅผพใ, ๅ–ใ‚Šๆˆปใ™, ็‹™ใ†, ้›‡ใ†, ๅฅชใ†, ๅพก่ฆงใซใชใ‚‹, ๆ…Žใ‚€, ๆ‹’ใ‚€, ่ญฒใ‚‹, ่บใ‚‹, ็นฐใ‚Š่ฟ”ใ™, ๆ‡ธใ‹ใ‚‹, ๅ–ใ‚Šๆ‰ฑใ†, ้€ƒใ™, ๅนใ, ๅทกใ‚‹, ๆบใ‚ใ‚‹, ๆ•ทใ, ่Œ‚ใ‚‹, ไผบใ†, ๆ‹ ใ‚‹, ๆฝœใ‚€, ๅŒ…ใ‚€, ่‡ณใ‚‹, ไพตใ™, ๅฝใ‚‹, ้ง†ใ‘่พผใ‚€, ้ง†ใ‘ๅ‡บใ™, ้ง†ใ‘ๅ›žใ‚‹, ๆ‹ฌใ‚‹, ๆŒ‘ใ‚€, ๆŽ˜ใ‚‹, ๆกใ‚‹, ๆบใ‚‹, ๆณŠใพใ‚‹, ๆป‘ใ‚‹, ็ด›ใ‚‰ใ™, ่ฃ‚ใ, ่ฅฒใ†, ๅˆทใ‚‹, ๅจๅผตใ‚‹, ๆฒˆใ‚€, ๆป…ใผใ™, ๆบใ•ใถใ‚‹, ๆบใ™ใ‚‹, ็„ฆใ‚‹, ็„ฆใŒใ™, ๅฟใถ, ๅฑใ‚‹, ๅซใถ, ้‡ฃใ‚‹, ๅผ•ใ่ฃ‚ใ, ็จผใ, ๆพ„ใ‚€, ๅ‘ชใ†, ๆ›‡ใ‚‹, ็ฃจใ, ๆนฟใ‚‹, ๅซใ, ็‹‚ใ†, ็ฟ”ใ‚‹, ่ฆ‹้€ƒใ™, ๅนใๅ‡บใ™, ๅนใ่พผใ‚€, ๅฃ็ฌ›ใ‚’ๅนใ, ๅ–ใ‚Š้€ƒใŒใ™, ๅนใ้ฃ›ใฐใ™, ็พคใŒใ‚‹, ๆฝœใ‚‹, ่’ใ‚‰ใ™, ๆ“ฆใ‚‹, ๆ–ฌใ‚‹, ้›ถใ™, ็žฌใ, ่ช‡ใ‚‹, ้˜ปใ‚€, ้ป™ใ‚‹, ็ •ใ, ็ฒ˜ใ‚‹, ๆฌบใ, ๆจใ‚€, ๆ†Žใ‚€, ๆ†ฉใ†, ๆ‰‡ใ, ๆปดใ‚‹, ็‚Šใ, ๆญฏใ‚’็ฃจใ, ๆพ„ใพใ™, ๆถผใ‚€, ่ฒผใ‚‹, ๅฝฉใ‚‹, ๆบถใ‹ใ™, ่ธŠใ‚‹, ่ผใ, ๅ’ฒใ, ๅŸนใ†, ๅก—ใ‚‹, ๆฎดใ‚‹, ๆ‚Ÿใ‚‹, ๅˆˆใ‚‹, ๅˆˆใ‚Šๅ–ใ‚‹, ๆตธใ‚‹, ่ฆ†ใ‚‹, ่ฌ€ใ‚‹, ๆฝคใ†, ๅŠฃใ‚‹, ่ซฎใ‚‹, ๆผ‚ใ†, ็ฟปใ‚‹, ไปฐใ, ๅ“€ใ‚Œใ‚€, ่„…ใ™, ๅฐฝใใ™, ๆ‚”ใ‚„ใ‚€, ่ถณใ™, ่ฆใ‚‹, ๅบงใ‚‹, ้€šใ†, ่ฆ‹่ฟ”ใ™, ้€ƒใŒใ™, ็—…ใ‚€, ๅค‰ใ‚ใ‚‹, ๅ‹‡ใ‚€, ่ฆ‹ๆธกใ™, ๆฌ ใ‹ใ™, ๅ›บใพใ‚‹, ๅฑˆใ‚€, ็ฏใ‚‹, ่ฆ‹ๅฝ“ใŸใ‚‹, ่ชžใ‚‹, ๆ”พใค, ๆŒ‡ๅทฎใ™, ้™ใ‚ใ™, ้€ใ้€šใ‚‹, ้€šใ™, ๆ‰‹ๆธกใ™, ๅŸ‹ใพใ‚‹, ๆบใ‚‰ใ, ๅฌใ™, ๅ–šใ, ๆŒŸใ‚€, ๆฒธใ, ๆตธใ™, ่€•ใ™, ่ฆ†ใ†, ้ ‚ใ, ๅใ‚‹, ๆ€ ใ‚‹, ่ฒซใ, ้ญใ†, ้™ฅใ‚‹, ๅฌใ—ไธŠใŒใ‚‹, ๅฏ›ใ, ๆŒŸใพใ‚‹, ๆžฏใ‚‰ใ™, ๆฒธใ‹ใ™, ่‚ฏใ, ่ซญใ™, ๅธใ™, ๅ™ดใๅ‡บใ™, ่†จใ‚‰ใ‚€, ่ฒซใ้€šใ™, ้€ธใ‚‰ใ™, ๅ‡ใ‚‹, ๆƒœใ—ใ‚€, ๆพใ‚‹, ็ธ›ใ‚‹, ็ธซใ†, ๅผ”ใ†, ้ฎใ‚‹, ้†ธใ™, ้Žฎใพใ‚‹, ๅ‡Œใ, ๅ‘†ใ‚Œ่ฟ”ใ‚‹, ๆฟใ™, ้…Œใ‚€, ไพฎใ‚‹, ๅ‡นใ‚€, ๆผฌใ‹ใ‚‹, ็ดกใ, ่”‘ใ‚€, ่ฉ ใ‚€, ๅ”„ใ†, ๆ…•ใ†, ๆนงใ, ๆฟใ‚‹, ๅฏ„ใ‚‹, ็Ÿฅใ‚‹, ๅข—ใ™, ็ซ็…งใ‚‹, ๅ‚ทใ‚€, ๅ…‰ใ‚‹"

Thanks, this is great. So far havenโ€™t ventured out into Javascript myself yet, but will download and give it a try!


Very clear explanation, it worked! Thanks a million. :bowing_woman:

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