How Long to Learn all 2000--help moving faster

I was playing around with a “WK simulation”, if you do every review and lesson at once without mistakes you need 348.16 days from 1 to 60, if you visit WK exactly twice per day (8:00 and 20:00 for example) you need 358.33 days. A whopping 2.9% difference, so there is no need to overstrain yourselves :wink: .


How? That’s a 12hr difference. If I level up at 8am and do lessons at that time, I’ll be automatically losing 8hr of my progress (4hr + 8hr). Then for the 2nd review, I’d be losing 4hr (8hr + 4hr). This would happen twice at every normal level and once at a fast level. Just those 12hr would surpass my speed (7d8h vs 7d). I’m finishing in 369 days. Something is wrong, I guess?

Hmm good point, maybe some items get back-dated. Keep waking up then!

I don’t :stuck_out_tongue: I mean, I do wake up… just not necessarily to do WK reviews :eyes:

Ok, so the timing for 8/20 is 410 days, sorry for that :slight_smile: On the plus side you only have 155 reviews per day on average, and finish more items at the same time.

This also questions if WK is slow in the beginning, you are quite fast on a “normal” review amount, maybe the items are perceived as “I could do twice as much of stuff like 一二三”?


What do you mean by “3-Day Average Reviews per Day (Twice Daily 8h/20h)”? That the user will always review at 8h, at 20h and at an extra random time? :relaxed:

Hmm not so clear wording there, it means you do reviews twice and count them per day. The result is very spiky (some days lots of reviews, then zero, …). Let’s say you get 0/900/0 reviews in three days. The graph will show 300/300/300 (the corners will be averaged with the things around it, though) instead.

Hmm actually the graph looks better than expected, I remember for maximum reviews it was quite freaky.

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I’m just saying that at maxspeed you got to do reviews in the middle of the night at some points. So saying 3am was but an example of any time between 12 - 6am or any time when you’d be sleeping. it’s bound to happen if you take that path.

@xyzbuster i’m more of a chocolate with sprinkles person, hey, are you still going max speed till level 61? :stuck_out_tongue:
@jprspereira i agree, at 20 i was used to say my eyes only close when i sneeze, that’s where i get my sleep. i’m 27 and if don’t get to sleep at least 6 hours daily i just feel overwhelmed and angry and sad.

I’m doing 7d0h levels and was also wondering (as competitive as i am) if it’d be worthy to go crazy speed… So I’m not sure about the duration of 1st and 2nd levels but for the sake of the argument i’ll take them as short levels (3d10h) so you have 17 short levels and 43 long levels.

Short levels max speed: 58.08 days
Long levels max speed: 293.83 days
Total max speed: 351.91 days

7d0h speed(3d12h for short levels):
Short levels: 59.5 days
Long levels: 301 days
Total: 360.5 days

This is not criticism, (on contrary i envy you) i really look up to people that can make it so fast, i’m just saying that for me, it works better to have a routine and sacrifice those extra 8 days.

Let’s hope i can make it to 60

That moment when you see your senpai replying


And start to pray not to get roasted


Well, no. The fact that the 1d and 2d reviews actually are 23hrs and 47hrs saves you from this.

Lets say you wake up at 7am. New level. Do your new lessons kanji lessons and it takes an hour and you finish at 8am. Personally I only do 20 a day, but some prefer to do all.

Starting time: 8am
4h reviews: 12pm (noon)
8hr reviews: 8pm
1d review: 7pm.
2d review: 6pm.

Second wave of kanji comes in and it takes you 1 hour to do those lessons (1hr is way too long but whatever)

Start second wave at 7pm.
4hr review: 11pm
8hr review: 7am
1d: 6am
(youll be sleeping and do this at 7am)
2d: 7am
(again, do this when you wake up)
Level up!
now done with the level and its 7am. (unless it takes you an hour to review like 4 kanji)

Do new levels kanji and we are back to starting at 8am and having the 4hrs at 12pm. A full loop without having to wake up in the middle of the night and getting continuous 8hrs of sleep.

I mean, I just feel like you have some misconceptions. I personally did this routine last semester shifted a couple hours (waking up at 10 rather than 7), so I can tell you from experience you dont need to be waking up in the middle of the night.

If you cant do reviews at WKs intervals, yeah, maxspeed may not be possible without waking up at night. But as I said, my point is to just break the misconception that waking up at night in an inherent part of max speed.

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I don’t seem to get you, maybe im wrong but your example does not look like max speed

Starting time: 8am let’s say monday
4h reviews: 12pm (noon)
8hr reviews: 8pm
1d review: 7pm. tuesday
2d review: 6pm. thursday

Second wave of kanji comes in and it takes you 1 hour to do those lessons (1hr is way too long but whatever)

Start second wave at 7pm. -Here, you’ve lost an hour. if you first wave was to be reviewed at 6-7pm your lessons for the second wave must also be done in that same hour.
4hr review: 11pm
8hr review: 7am it’s friday, friday, gotta get down on friday
1d: 6am saturday
(youll be sleeping and do this at 7am) - Again… if i lose an hour this is not maxspeed
2d: 7am monday
(again, do this when you wake up)
Level up!

Again, maybe im wrong or maybe i do have misconceptions but for me this was a 6d 23h level example, fast… but not maxspeed. you lost 3 hours

Thats the disconnect we are having. My definition of max speed is around 7.5 days per level average or less. This puts you at 20 lessons a day for the most part, but you will have occasional days with less.

well, then you’re completely right, at 7d0h i’m enojying it so far. but i couldn’t expect myself to go “deeper” into the danger zone of less than 7d speed.

That was fun, thank you.

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Just make sure to properly pace your lessons then for when you get to 26. Unless, that is, youre ok with the higher workload and just dont wanna wake up in the middle of the night.

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Yeah, I intended on going the max speed with level 26, but, at the final review, reconsidered my life decisions. It sits as a 7d1h level similar to all of its friends around it.

What’s your plan on the final levels then?

I was wondering the first levels as well, the answer is:

Q: Ok, what are all the SRS intervals then?

A: Here is the full list of the SRS intervals, along with the level you achieve when you get that review correct:

For Level 1 and 2 radicals:
2h, 4h, 8h, 23h (guru), 1w, 2w (master), 1m (enlighten), 4m (burned)
For Level 1 and 2 kanjis and vocabs:
4h, 4h, 8h, 23h (guru), 1w, 2w (master), 1m (enlighten), 4m (burned)
For everything else it is:
4h, 8h, 23h, 47h (guru), 1w, 2w (master), 1m (enlighten), 4m (burned)

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I’ll likely do 4d0h for the final levels, adding on 12 hours intentionally to wait out the day/night shift. They’ll still go by much faster than normal levels (3-4 days since my average wiggles due to life happening) but won’t kill me to do.


Say I start at 8 AM (my usual time) on Day 0.
4h reviews at 12 PM on Day 0.
8h review at 8 PM on Day 0.
1d review at 8 AM* on Day 2**
2d review at 8 AM on Day 4.

*By waiting 12 hours, I can maintain the morning review time.

I have a horribly inconsistent sleep schedule and don’t sleeo very long (rarely do I sleep longer than 5 hours), I’m likely to vary how long that wait interval is based on my schedule, since some days I’m less able to access reviews than others.


7d/levels is still “max speed” mate. Don’t devalue yourself :v:



Well said.

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