How fast are you clearing your review items?

For me it depends on what reviews im doing. If the reviews are low apprentice, I might not recognize them at first and sometimes take a minute just sitting there thinking. Ill usually try to think about what mnemonic it had with the radicals and that helps. For previously guru’d reviews that I remember quickly, I guess 100 probably takes under 15-20 min. Especially in the fast levels there was much more to remember so reviewing was a pain.

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Where is the wrap up button? I’ve just started and am only on level 3, perhaps it hasn’t appeared yet?

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Ah! Feeling a little silly… Thank you!

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16m52s for a set of 74. I think I usually take longer though, probably 20-25 mins for a set that’s 70-75 in size (items/3 ?). This set contained 18 radicals (so I guess equivalent to size 65 set that only has items that require 2 answers), and only had a handful of items where I had to do a double take, so it was pretty quick compared to usual.

edit: 21m19s, again a set of 74, felt more like normal speed (just under 9 seconds per question).
edit2: 19m22s, set of 73 (just under 8 seconds per question). That’s likely the last timer on my part. There don’t seem to be too many surprises here.

100 items = 200 answers
%90 accuracy = 220 entries
10 seconds per answer = 2200 second
37 minutes.

  • i do faster
  • i do need more time

0 voters

how do radical figure in your calculation?

I think they used scientific method and made an assumption that radicals don’t exist.


ah…like climate change LOL

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Reviews easy, lessons hard to make myself start on sometimes.

For me it’s around 35 min per 100 reviews
Accuracy around 70% (60% when tired and 80% when focused)

Because I have around 200 apprentices and not a good accuracy I have big amount of reviews, I’m doing around 240 reviews per day to keep it at 0 + 10-20 lessons per day recently :face_with_head_bandage::muscle:

I’m on the slow side, my level up is about 15 days per level. :turtle:

Nowadays my tactic is to do batch of 60 reviews. Bigger batch feels hard but when you finish, your total leftover reviews feels less intimidating.
When I have time, it’s 80-100 reviews but then a nap of 20 min is following :sleeping:, then I’m good to go! :point_right:

Before I did a tactic of batch with 25 reviews, I switch between those 2 tactics. :nerd_face:


I usually do 5 seconds per item, unless I get stuck, then it’s 30 seconds before I give up and type “baka” for the reading.


On my Mac with no scripts - about 35 minutes/100 items - anything above 70% accuracy makes me happy :slight_smile: I’m a little slower on the iPad (mostly because I’m laying on the couch and taking my time).

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