How do you pronounce this?

Hey! :wave:
I am just a beginner in learning Japanese. When my friend heard that I learn Japanese he gave me this and asked to translate.

I don’t think I can read everything of what is written there. For example I see the “YO” letter with two dashes for the first time and can’t find anything about it. I really want to know how to pronounce it! I guess there’s some anime language there. Also I cannot understand what the kanji below is.

Could you please help me translate it for my friend? :pray:
I would appreciate if you write pronunciation as well.


Just a bit of terminology correction, I’d call it a “kana” instead of a letter if you wanna improve your googling. And the “dashes” are called “dakuten”

Honestly, I’ve never seen dakuten on a before, but I did find this link to be interesting. It might just indicate a more nasal sound.


Now i’m a complete noob here so take my interpretation with a heap of salt, but I think the upper line is an onomotopoeia.
ゔ is a new kana to represent the foreign sound “vu” if i’m not mistaken. And for よ the dakuten only adds emphasis I believe. So the upper line would be something like: “Vu, see-yo!”, as if you’re breathing out and going to lift/push something heavy.
I am confident this picture is from the dumbell nankilo moteru series, maybe that helps.

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I’m not completely sure. However, I would interpret it as a muffled sound of うっせぇよ, a very casual way of saying うるさいよ. The character is being teased about their body, so they are reacting in an annoyed way.


Was just gonna say the same thing. I also thought of うっせぇ・うるさい right away.


I second (third?) うるさい being slurred.

I think there something about mochi in pantsu in the next bit, but I can’t make out the kanji…

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I can read the pantsu ni omochi, but do you perhaps also know what it means? Is a rice cake in your pants like saying you’re fat?

I’m guessing it’s パンツにおもち乗せてんのかーい
Teasing them asking if they carry a mochi in their pants, meaning their belly is shaped like a mochi?


That sounds about right to me. I’m so bad at recognising handwritten kanji :disappointed:

Dakuten on hiragana that normally wouldn’t have any is used for emphasis you see it a lot in Shonen manga like 鬼滅の刃


This might be unrelated but what does small e or i ぇ ぃ or any small letter means i saw them more than often and to my experience i can guess it mean changing the last letter examples ちぇ or しぇ but most of the time it doesn’t make since either way… i know it not related but kind of reminded me of it…

It works exactly the same as it does in katakana. It kind of implies it’s slurred and rough talk, makes me think of Bakugo from BNHA or generic thugs from 90’s anime.

ヴ is only “vu” in katakana. In hiragana, as Wikipedia puts it:

In informal writing, dakuten is occasionally used on vowels to indicate a shocked or strangled articulation; for example, on あ゙ or ゔ. Dakuten can also be occasionally used with ん (ん゙) to indicate a guttural hum, growl, or similar sound.


Usually in manga it extends the vowel and makes it trail off.
I think you can get a similar feel if you transcribe うっせぇ into “USSEEee”.

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That makes sense considering how katakana is applied!
I looked the kana up and found it here: ゔ - Wiktionary
Seems like it’s more for input systems at second glance… I read into things a bit :zipper_mouth_face:

Oh no wonder, I was wondering why when using an ime in hiragana typing vu gives ヴ instead of ゔ.

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