How about a riddle? (reuploaded)

Yeah, I thought of Hanko the Finnish town as well. Ringo and Negi are also place names, but Yama is rather nondescript, so that’s pretty much where that train of thought stalled.

It’s already been twelve days. :stuck_out_tongue:

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The real solution was friendship all along.


Here is a riddle, what do you call a Japanese learner who fails to notice that Japanese has pitch accent and studies Japanese without caring sounding like a total foreigner and does not care about writing kanji’s he or she studies because he does not “need” to and still wants to “master” Japanese. ( the answer is quite obvious )正解は「努力した甲斐もなく今まで勉強したのは無駄で一巻の終わりだっていうやつ」に当たりますね。(ただの冗談だけどな)

Isn’t that just a very long way of spelling 馬鹿外人 (one of the most famous 四字熟語)? wwww


I guess one could say that :stuck_out_tongue:

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Me here and I am not posting the answer. Yet.
I got hold of another, better camera (temporarily, though), and made a photo of page 50. It’s previous to 51, that I posted earlier. I believe, that this plot-piece has nothing to do with the solution. However, it may keep you busy while I put up with the fact that I have to destroy that scotch-tape, that I taped answer pages with. It’s a really good one. :disappointed_relieved: Also pretty hard to destroy, so this may take a couple days. :grimacing:

Sorry, a wild bear took the camera again. If I don’t get it by the thursday, I promise to copy the answer by hand. :bear:


This is what I managed to (mis?)understand from it (this is not translation, this is (mis?)interpretation):

Finally, everyone woke up. The journey was supposed to end that day, but due to an accident it was delayed. So, there was still time to solve the puzzles before Q20.
Mikio and Takuto (or Tact?) were having a discussion; Takuto was saying that he seems to be smarter than Mikio; Mikio responded (this is the bit I’m least certain about) that he (or she?) thought so too, but would it be ok to let (whom? maybe Watson?) close his heart?
As this was a really touchy subject for Watson, they ought to handle it with care, otherwise a similar thing might wake up (I thought “might occur” would be better, but it’s 起きうる, not 起こりうる, so the verb here must be 起きる and not 起こる).
They apologized to Watson and Watson asked princess to be very careful from now on. And to inform the father next time Watson gets lost.

Now, I wonder who is who…

At first glance, I thought that all the three people (or more precisely one hedgehog and two people) on the picture were boys. But as there definitely is a princess there - that means either she is not on the picture or she must be one of them. If so, I guess the person on the right might be a girl… My guess would be that Watson is the hedgehog, Takuto/Tact is the boy in black and the princess Mikio is the person on the right…
Or the Watson might be the boy in black; he seems like the kind of person who would use very polite language - then the hedgehog would be Takuto…

Feel free to laugh at my incompetence :sweat_smile:
P. S. I’m really curious to find out the name of the magazine… Maybe it’s distributed online too? If so, I’d like to buy a copy to be able to read (and probably totally misinterpret) the full story :sweat_smile:


It would be unfortunate because then we would never know the answer…
Oh right, also because he died.
(I’m kidding, I’m kidding. I’d care that he died more than that he didn’t post the answer. I would still be sad about him not posting the answer, though.)

Watson is definitely the hedgehog - look at that bow tie. And those two are most definitely guys - I’d almost be willing to hypothesise that the princess is the reader, if it’s a book intended for girls.

Uh, no, it’d be unfortunate because we would never know the answer.


All right, big news!
I peered into the answers (actually, I managed to look around the skotch tape) and yes, I was missing a clue. In my defence, I say: the answer refers to page 20 which is god knows where compared to page 51 of the puzzle.
Now I am feeling like an idiot. :angry:
Moreover, I still don’t have good camera with me. So, stay tuned, if I’m lucky I’ll get it by thursday, if not - by end of the friday. Those pesky bears.

Oh and I can post an answer, but I don’t think anybody needs it knowing that the riddle is unfinished.


Give us the clue, and let us have another go before revealing the answer!


Yeah, after the last bit you gave us, I had a thought that maybe the clue is hidden somewhere in the whole story…

Yeah, don’t be Agatha Christie - give us the clue so we can at least have a stab at solving it.

I can tell you precisely where page 20 is compared to page 51, if that helps. :stuck_out_tongue:

Unless your phone is from the stone age, the camera should be perfectly fine. Just find a more brightly-lit room.


so you can use one more page, probably (99%) related to puzzle. Read the starting post.

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Pretty simple now

Indeed. It’s easy when you’ve got all the clues. :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s ゆめ


It’s so important to have all the clues.

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Yep. All of that headache for something so simple. :rofl:

I’m idly curious as to whether there’s any manner of clue on the puzzle that you’re supposed to refer back to page 20. Or is the reader supposed to recognise the specfic set of food words used and then make the logical connection on their own?

I think you can make the connection, if you read the full story.
At the very least, you would remember there was a menu presented before. Since all elements on the left are foodstuff, it makes sense to have another look.