How about a message like "Wanikani is looking for the kunyomi" for vocab reviews. (when you accidenally enter the onyomi)

Guess I’m content with being a curious outsider since I really don’t think it’ll help me much. I don’t have much trouble absorbing new readings, especially because I tend to capture soundbites in my memories for certain words. (E.g. one of the words that’s been intriguing me lately is みちる, but I know how to write it – 満ちる – and what it means because it’s in the first line of the opening theme of Oregairu aka My Youth Romantic Comedy Was Wrong, As I Expected: 「日の満ちるこの部屋」) It’s true that it would be much easier for me (and everyone else) if I just checked things out myself though… I guess you could say that I’m more curious about what it’s like learning kanji for people who weren’t exposed to kanji as they grew up?

This is very good news for WK users. I’m glad to hear that. I’m still a kinda ‘low budget’ language learner though, so I’m quite content to pay for textbooks (which will probably last me several months at least) instead of subscription services, especially if the payoff may not be that great for me as an individual. Nonetheless, my impression overall is that WK is the best platform for learning kanji within the context of Japanese, and I think it’s made a lot easier by the fact that there’s a community with which to discuss difficulties and share joys. That’s not something most other platforms can provide. Just the quality of the WK forums are outstanding, never mind everything else. Call my curiosity a remnant of the blogger in me: I used to have a site on which I wrote about language learning, but I had it hosted on a free server that kept crashing on me, so I eventually gave up. One of the things I did was to write reviews about different language learning platforms, so I guess you could say I’m just trying to get an impression of what WK offers based on everyone else’s experiences. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Purple ones do not affecting your level progress. Try more and get used to them.

maybe not for your language acquisition, but you’ve been having a some questions about it lately :sweat_smile:.


That, I must admit. :sweat_smile: Perhaps I will go try it out some time.

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