Help On Japanese Resources and Studying

So I’m not really new to Japanese grammar per se, but it has been a while. I’ve just recently started up studying grammar again and I wanted some opinions on if I should add something or do something different.

The original plan was to do a minimum of 30 minutes of Textfugu a day until I finished it and then move on to other resources, but I feel like I should add on something else or change to a different textbook entirely. I’ve especially been looking into adding on Bunpro, but I’m not sure if I should even bother using Textfugu if I’m using Bunpro. Is it comprehensive enough to be used by itself? As for other textbooks to replace Textfugu I’ve also been looking into Genki (which seems to be the most popular textbook on the forums) or Tae Kim. Should I change to one of these or combine serval of them together or remove one? I want to be able to study efficiently and get the best out of the resources I have so any thoughts or opinions are appreciated.


to each their own, yet I believe you must practice speaking and reading at minimum speaking pace
nothing will ever make sense to me at least, in any language, if I don’t reflect it

You probably already familiar with this on the WK forums, but please browse through some of these resources aggregated by many users of WK (here).

As for your original plan, I think that depending on why you’re studying Japanese, what you should focus on will vary. I’m not too familiar with Bunpro, but I don’t think it would replace a Japanese text book. Based on how it was created, it seemed to be a tool to help cement what one has learned using SRS. Additionally I don’t think it’s really wise to limit yourself to so few resources because there’s no one resource that is comprehensive of the all the points you’d would ever encounter in Japanese. I’m pretty sure you feel this way too, which is the reason why you’re asking. I think you need to search around find some resources whose content and presentation really resonate with you. And continue to add resources when you encounter concepts that your current resources don’t cover. Little by little the field of resources cover a large amount of material, not to mention they provide multiple ways of explaining and defining concepts that you’ve learned in the past. Reviewing those concepts only provides depth to your knowledge and gives you a solid mastery.


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