I know what you mean…sometimes my brain isn’t in gear but I just want to do the reviews to get them ‘over and done with’ so I can get on with other stuff in my life. I stress out when I have a lot of reviews built up and that’s when I do the most ‘damage’ by getting a lot wrong!!
maybe you are right! I don’t know how many but it feels like a lot. I haven’t been doing new lessons and I was down to 65 apprentice items and now I’m at 88. I don’t know how many dropped to other categories.
This is exactly where I am now! I technically got to level 9 17 days ago but am still learning vocab from level 8…I guess I’m trying to rush through it so I can start on level 9. The most exciting part of a new level for me is learning the radicals and kanji…the dreary part (yes I know it’s necessary) is learning the reams of vocab!!
I like the vocabulary because once in awhile a word pops up that was hiding in my brain for decades. I’m a sansei and my parents were bilingual, but only used Japanese when they didn’t want me to understand. But the other day, “shinstetsu” (kind) appeared and I can hear my mother’s voice. It was not cool to be Japanese after WWII, so I didn’t start until the last few years—tapes and local classes. I love WaniKani! All of it helps.
Dan Kurtycz, M.D.
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