What now? Kana-only duplicated lessons? Really?
Here is the explaination for this addition:
ironically, it’d be one of the minority (about 1/3 of the new vocab) of “kana-only” words which are (technically) actually kana only…
Quite honestly, I prefer learning words usually only written in hiragana in kanji because it’s a great way to impress my Japanese coworkers. Just put that this is usally written in kana only in the details/explanation.
Gonna start talking to everyone like 済みません、之は如何言う意味ですか。
Yeah… this is where I am drawing the line. Now you guys are wasting our time with these.
By “impress” I mean when they see my practicing on wanikani and they mention it or seeing a kanji and saying “hey that’s the same kanji as 済みません!” The people I work with know I like kanji and that I’m interested in it. I don’t use it in real life to flex.
And I enjoy learning kanji for kana only words. I think it’s interesting
Oh I 100% get you, I didn’t mean it in a negative way, just the idea of talking like that would be funny
Oh good! That’s what I thought at first, but then second guessed myself
申し申し just came up for burning - luckily I was using smouldering durtles so I could undo, because もしもし is no longer an accepted answer and it would have been the most annoying way not to burn something
Hey where can I find the undo option in Smouldering? I’ve fat fingered too many mistakes.
It’s been moved to level 60?
Does this mean we can all post in the level 60 celebration since we technically did one level 60 item?
You have to enable advanced settings (if you haven’t already) then in Other Advanced, you should see some “Special Button behaviour”, just change one of those to undo and it will pop up in the corner you choose
Edit: I use the “undo and retry immediately” option because I just want to fix my typo immediately, not to have the item disappear.
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