Graded Readers and Parallel Texts "Book Club"

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I just started reading actual Japanese with the Let’s Read Japanese level 1 volume 1 Graded Reader a couple of weeks ago. It contains 5 very short stories, a handful of pages each, most with only a few lines, right-to-left and top-to-bottom, and I do find really nice illustrations. The first two seemed Japanese folk tales, something about a demigod slaying a 8-headed dragon after making him drunk on 酒 and so, and the third, which I’m just finishing, is–inevitably, it seems–Alice.

I’m enjoying this a lot, and I’m learning quite a number of new words in the process. But I also find it very hard going. For one thing, a lot of the language seems a bit archaic to me, like our European folk tales might occasionally be, to the extent that I find it hard to identify words and grammar points using my ‘normal’ sources. With some phrases, only searching the internet to see if someone else has already stumbled over this has helped. I guess what I’m saying is that these are simple short stories rather than stories written in simple language, at least not for a total beginner at reading Japanese, as level 1 would imply.

I also find the use of 漢字 vs. 仮名 just a bit inconsistent. Sometimes slightly obscure 漢字 are used where the dictionary says 仮名 are more common. Then again, often lengthy phrases are written using 仮名 alone which makes it hard to separate the words so I at least know where to start looking them up! Sometimes when a very short phrase that consisted entirely of 仮名 consistently defeated my attempts to decipher it, I’ve had no choice but to look it up in an online translator.

That having said, however, I find even my limited ability to read and understand a whole story, however short, written entirely in Japanese quite encouraging. :slight_smile:


Sounds like you are on the Oxford books. Just so you know their level 1 is everyone else’s level 2!
So you are reading on Level 2!
And I agree, I found them harder and less natural in language too. I prefer the other readers. But as we get better I guess those stories could be more rewarding, since they are harder and more complicated =)


Yes, I am. OK, good to know, thanks. :sweat_smile:

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Well i am back and alive. I kinda fell off the wagon for reading as i was feeling as if i was lacking to much knowledge. Recently got my motivation back so…I am going to keep at it with reading.
I have the ASK graded readers as well as the graded readers from ‘The Japan Shop.’.
The three graded readers i have are: Yokai (4 books), History (5 books), and the fiction story (10 books). (each book has multiple stories in it as well as a glossary and explanation of the vocab.).


I’ve been thinking of adding more of Clay and Yumi (Japan Shop) to the list… I have more or less everything they have made! :rofl:
Most of it digital though, which makes it a bit harder to list number of stories and such. Maybe just add by books instead =P

Edit: Added


Thank you so much for this! I’m based in the UK and the other graded reader series were coming in at around £100 :scream:


I finished everything that we had in our local library except for one book, but I have to wailt until the end of the current situation to go back and get that one. From now on I’ll read manga and novels. I have 秒速5センチメートル, I hope I’ll be able to understand it. I saw the movie several times, so it won’t be completely new.


I finished level 3 of the taishukan readers today. My favourite story was 大男の話. I learned a few grammar points from this level. ~ようになる and ようとする.


I’m going to start reading everything that you’ve posted here. Thank you so much for this.

I’m from the Philippines and unfortunately, there’s no near library in my area and I can’t afford most of the Japanese books.

Will update on my reading progress here. Again, thank you very much.


For those who haven’t got or read the Ask Tadokus yet, the first volumes of each level are available now online for free until the end of August. You have to register on this link and they send you a username, password and link to the books.


I recently bought all of the New Taishukan Nihongo Tadoku Books vol 1-10 from omgjapan.
They are a more modern version than the ASK graded readers(art/topics).
Instead of cds you can download the mp3s from the websites.
These books use the new updated graded reading levels which is 0-5. Instead of 0-4 of the ASK graded readers version.
Far cheaper than the ask graded readers(omgjapan). The prices for the ASK books on amazon and ebay are just way too expensive to even consider.


These, right?

I love them, and have collected all of them (read some of them. but far from all yet)
The ones I have read I really liked! =D

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Yes those books are the ones. I got the full set.

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Been reading the new stuff and studying the words I didn’t know. I Really like the ‘船’ love story and liked it. some small parts i didn’t know but i was able to understand the story. Very nice story.


I’m so happy to have found this thread. I am getting tired of WaniKani just drilling items, and want to start reading and listening, but obviously can’t start with “real books.”. I’m reading the level one book 青い right now, and actually (for the first time) feel like I’ve been learning a language instead of a Hodge lodge of code words.


After starting WaniKani last week (proud level 2 since yesterday heh) and reading this forum I jumped in :-). Ordered ASK all three level 0 books as well Taishukan volume 1.


Thats a great place to start! <3


Got my books from in 3 Days to Poland. Yuupiii!


My main question about the ask readers is why do all the animals die?

And what is up with the O Henry translations? He’s a chore to read in English, Japanese does not help…