Get manga (legally!) via Ebook Japan

pls help ;-;

does the stuff that is free and available to download stay with us even after the limit date? I’m assuming that that date only takes effect on the volumes that we can’t download and can only read on the site…

I’m really confused since I just downloaded a bunch of manga for free and Is way too good to be true. I mean, they wouldn’t give this much free stuff. So, if someone that knows how it works could explain me things properly I would really appreciate it.


so apparently we can keep the stuff that we download and read it whenever we want?
Most of them we can only read in the browser, but there’s still a lot that we can download. I find this really strange since if it works as I think that it does, I feel like this should be more known and more recommended than it is.

I ended up downloading a bunch more. There were still even a couple of series that I really like and others that I have been interested in reading for a while now.

I just have this feeling that I’m getting something wrong because it’s way too good to be true. I really don’t think that people would be giving that much manga for free :confused:

Last comment.

Just in case someone happens to read this, they have on the website the first volume of Chi’s Sweet Home. Which is another series that I see recommended a lot to beginners, so if someone is interested you can just go the link bellow and read it on the website, or “buy it” for free, download it and save it to read later.

edit: i forgot to mention that you can only get it until the 1st of March.

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I would assume the download probably gets disabled after March 1st. Generally things that seem to good to be true, are. But maybe not…I guess enjoy it while it lasts at least.

Edit-Oh weird, the japanese on the website definitely makes it sound like you get to keep them…maybe I am just mis-translating or something…

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My thoughts exactly!

Again, my thoughts exactly! haha

I was going crazy with this last night. and yeah, the website makes it seem that we can keep it. Even the way it’s structured. Since they have it as a “discount” only available during a determined time. So it makes sense that we can keep them.
Plus, we can only buy and download those that were discounted to 0 yen. They also have other discounts that actual cost money so the more that I think about this the more it seems that we can keep them.

…So, I went and tried to find something online and aparently we can keep it. I just read this guide called “How to Make an eBook Japan Account to Download Free Manga”.

Which basically says how to do what I was doing. Plus it seems that we can keep the manga if we download them before the time limit ends. lol

Well, this is great xD

I will still test it to see if we can keep it. Probably will just download one with the time limit ending soon and see if I can read it afterward.

But even if we can’t keep it, I still think that it’s great.

here’s the guide that I was mentioning: How to Make an eBook Japan Account to Download Free Manga - Chic Pixel

They apparently have two different kinds of free, as far as I understand it.

At the top left, if you pick 無料の本を探す you get this list: ebookjapan|【毎日更新!会員登録不要!無料・試し読みまんが】2,000タイトル、240,000ページ以上の無料まんがTOP | まんが(漫画)・電子書籍ならebookjapan|無料・試し読みまんが(漫画)多数!
These are free for a specific time; if you click one, you can see a date and a regular price. You can read these for free, but you don’t get to keep them.

However, if you click セール中のお得の本を探す instead, and then pick 期間限定100%割引の本 in お得な本タイプ, then you get this list: 【毎日更新】お得・割引・セール一覧 - 漫画(まんが)・電子書籍ならebookjapan|無料本多数!
These are all the books that are currently available for a 100% discount; if you “buy” any of these, then you get to keep them forever. There’s a ton of stuff that doesn’t seem all that great to me, but you can often get volume 1, 2, and sometimes even 3 of some popular series for free this way.

I read the first volumes of 出口ゼロ this way, and they have the first couple of volumes of One Piece, Bleach, etc…

I haven’t noticed any books disappearing so I’m assuming I’m correct at least… let’s hope so xD

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Ah, this explains a lot. I thought that they were all together, but they having a clear division makes a lot more sense!

I was in here 【無料まんが】全てのジャンル一覧10,000冊以上、1,000,000ページ以上が会員登録不要で読める! - 無料まんが・試し読みが豊富!電子書籍をお得に買うならebookjapan and there we have all the free books, so I was really confused to what was happening. Since we could download some and other not. (I still don’t know enough to navigate trough Japanese websites properly)

I will save that link then :ok_hand:

I definitely agree. For example, they have a lot (like a lot) of Yaoi manga which I’m not into.

Though, they also seem to have some good, more or less popular stuff.
For example 無料まんが・試し読みが豊富!電子書籍をお得に買うならebookjapan (From the same author that made The Ancient Magus’ Bride, which is currently airing)

wait, this doesn’t add up… They only have four pages of manga? In the link that I mentioned in the beginning it had hundreds of pages and I downloaded a bunch of manga that isn’t here… I’m confused again :')

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Even disregarding the free manga, I just wanted to pitch in and say this is a really nice service. I bought the full volume set of the Noragami manga physical all the way from Japan a while back, but it was and still is way too complex for me to read. In many months to come I’ll likely be able to but I don’t see myself being able to tackle it soon :sweat_smile:
Seriously I still have no idea what 妖[あやかし]だ is supposed to mean. From context I’m guessing something like monster/spirit. All dictionaries I’ve looked it up in have shown that 妖 by itself isn’t actually a word so I have no idea what that’s about.

I have however recently bought the manga 聲の形 from this site. It’s not nearly as difficult but it’s not easy either. Even only reading a few pages at a time I’m learning a lot. The quality is great, and it’s super easy to purchase manga as well. I really like the manga viewer they use as well.


Ha. While this is a large part of the draw for ebookjapan for me personally. :sweat_smile:

However, the guide you linked is the same one I used to set myself up, both for being able to get the free manga (which if it’s one you can put in your cart and you go through the check out process, will stay in your library) as well as for buying stuff.

I’m not sure what you mean by only four pages of manga though, they do have a ton of manga, and once you learn your way around the site it can be pretty easy to find things. The book you linked here, for example, shows that there are four volumes of this series–though only the first is free right now–and then below those four volumes it shows other series by this author. Below that, it shows other works from this publisher/magazine. The number that shows there is limited, but to the right of where it says [Publisher/Magazine]の作品 (for this one ITANの作品) there’s a little link on the right side that says, “一覧を見る” and if you hit that it’ll show all of the works for ITAN available, which was 53 just now when I looked.

That bit is one of my favorite features, paired with being able to preview even the manga that isn’t free. If you preview a series looking to see if it has furigana, and it does, checking other series by that publisher you’ll often find the others have furigana as well. Not always, but often from what I’ve seen. And generally it seems like the complexity runs on a pretty similar level within a specific line. Again, not always true, but when you’re looking for things when first starting out this can really help narrow down what you might be capable of reading based on your level.

Sorry to go on so much, but I really love this site as a way to get manga outside of Japan without the shipping cost of importing. And, this thread showed me that the first volume of Initial D is currently free… Time to go through and stock up on new free books that look interesting.

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Seriously I still have no idea what 妖[あやかし]だ is supposed to mean. From context I’m guessing something like monster/spirit. All dictionaries I’ve looked it up in have shown that 妖 by itself isn’t actually a word so I have no idea what that’s about.

I’m assuming it’s just the author being creative with kanji, considering that the meanings of the word あやかし and the kanji 妖 are somewhat related. But who knows. E-mail them and ask! :wink:

I also really like eBookJapan, I’ve bought a couple of stuff from them too (recently I got the 君の名は。ranobe). The reader is fine, even though the Engrish in it is kinda funny.

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hehe no worries. Plus, you pointed out some stuff that I wasn’t aware. The all free manga deal was overshadowing the rest of the website for me haha
Yeah, it seems to be. I probably will use in the future to buy some stuff. In the meantime I will be reading their free stuff though
Hopefully you will find more stuff that you like!

I probably should have explained it better. Hmm… what I mean by that is that in this link there were only four pages/tabs (not sure what to call them) worth of manga. Not that the manga itself has only 4 pages.

I’m not managing to explain it well but hopefully is enough.

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Wow, thanks for recommending this. I’ll definitely check it out. I’ve never been a big manga fan but maybe it’s time to try reading some again. And they have light novels too!

Just wish they’d accept PayPal, though. I haven’t input my credit card details onto anything in a long long time.

I feel the same way! This forum is great for finding information! for physical books (and two physical magazine subscriptions).

n00b question but does anyone know how to disable the constant emails ebook japan sends? I thought I found the button to stop them but they just keep coming! Like one every other day or so. Can anyone help? :fearful:

I’ve been on a few email lists where their ‘cancel’ mechanism was broken, and I ended up using my mailbox filter to blacklist the sender. Which email provider do you use? Most have a blacklist feature in the settings.

I did block one of their email addresses but I’ll check that again. I use gmail. And yeah, I was surprised there wasn’t any kind of ‘unsubscribe’-button on the emails.

If you’re on a computer, did you check マイページ → 会員情報の変更 → メールマガジン配信設定入力 section?

I have all mine set to 希望しない for not wanting to receive anything, but there a quite a few. I believe this should do the trick because I only receive emails for when I buy a book.

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Thank you!

God bless you. There are even the monthly magazines I’ve been looking for…! I’m so happy!

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