Genki Study Buddies - 「皆さんはGenkiを勉強しています」

I was in lesson 7, but it’s been so long I need to review 1-6 briefly. I actually have completed the book, but that was like 10 years ago :x

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Any words of wisdom for us?

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Don’t stop >__< lol


Yup, still around! I had an unwanted long break between book 1 and 2. I ordered Genki 2 for mid December '17 but it took a while and was held by customs too, for whatever reason (definitely never ordering something again that’s expected to be delivered around christmas lol).

But I’m currently on lesson 14.


I’m having to practice chapter 9 a lot. For some reason my brain just does not want to remember how to make short forms. Present tense isn’t too bad but when I try to do Past tense I get confused. It seems simple enough from the notes I made from the conjugation table they have in the chapter but when I go to practice I keep going blank. I think it’s partly because a lot of it sounds really similar and it gets all jumbled together in my head.


Awesome! I am trying to quickly get back to where I was and make proper progress into the next book. I wish I hadn’t taken a break, but oh well :pensive: I will catch up!!

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Hi all ~ I’m just starting Genki 1.
Studying previous languages, grammar books have always been my favorite study tool and helped me the most. Hopefully it won’t be any different with Japanese!


Finally completed Lesson 8 yesterday! I’m hoping to get back to doing a lesson a week so wish me luck with Lesson 9.


Go go! You can do it!


Super much luck to you!


i’m about to move onto chapter 11 but I have a question regarding one of the grammar notes in chapter 10 that the book gives no example for.

in the part on comparison( AのほうがBよりxです) it notes that often these appear the other way around but doesn’t give an example.

does that mean 中国のほうが日本より大きいです and 日本より中国のほうが大きいです are the same thing? or do you need to move the GA particle too like 日本よりが

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@lights There are a few example sentences here. The order doesn’t matter, as long as のほうが and より go in the right places. Also, the が particle goes with のほう.

In fact, you don’t even have to state both parts, one of them can be implied. There are a few examples of this there too.


Thank you that’s really helpful :grinning:


@alexbeldan Some new arrivals to the discord need permissions granted.

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I am struggling balancing grammar studies and WK/Vocab work :frowning: I am on chapter 7 but it struck me as strikingly more complicated than previous chapters

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So you were stricken with this strikingly struck strickery. :wink:


A side effect of studying Japanese is my English is suffering 笑笑。

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Is there a particular grammar point (or more) that are particularly bothering you?

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I think when I was talking to a friend on hellotalk and I said something like このすしはいいないです。instead of この寿司はよくじゃないです。I felt like I was forgetting basic things like negating adjectives… then the state based verbs that should either never or only be used in the て form + masu or never in that form.

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I just started chapter 12 (almost done with book 1 yay) and I’m thinking ok yea this is all relatively simple.

ok only 2 things to remember…


ワアアア! why are there so many :frowning:

should I just be focusing on the main two expressions?