(Back up) Floflo.moe - A WK-friendly website for reading

I forgot to post about it earlier, so a bit late to the punch, but
We failed you :cry:

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It was losing for so long as well :joy:

@Raionus - just wondering whether it would make sense to move this thread to the reading subcategory? I don’t use the categories much myself but I guess it might help someone trying to look for reading resources??

Just by curiosity, on the pages specific to a book, how do you generate the list of kanji unique to that book ? You seems to already have some kind of dictionary with kanji definition, no ?

Do we still report parsing errors, or just fix them ourselves and move on? Because I started looking at 君の名は, and the very first sentence of the first chapter, 愛おしい is getting parsed as 愛 + おしい.

Actually, for that matter, 匂い is getting parsed as 匂う, and 懐かしい seems to have slipped through the cracks completely. I don’t think I know that already… do I? I mean, I do know it because I’ve encountered it before, but neither WaniKani nor FloFlo should know that.

Nope, it’s a level 30 word on WK. Either your level on the forum is way out of sync, or something’s strange.

Parser-chan tries her best. I fixed it this time, but I usually don’t take errors unless they’re for Aozora books. My view is that anyone attempting a full novel can fend for themselves. Especially like 匂う vs 匂い. Same root word.

Thank you for catching that. Seems like the first word’s been getting mangled on import so I’ll have to figure out why that’s happening.


I use data I swooped from Wanikani’s API (level 60 privileges :ok_hand:). Unfortunately, that only covers 2000 kanji. I mean, I guess I could use it but being able to just query someone else’s website (especially if they have a full-size dictionary) would’ve been nicer.

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Just to make sure I understand this right, there are 4257 words that appear both in SAO1 and SAO2 and theres 7655 words in SAO1? 2451 of those 4257 are words I dont know, or at least have yet to mark as known?

Yep, you got it right. The “of” stat is really just a benchmark stat. So if you do like a overlapping list or change frequency, etc. that’ll be the stat that changes. Unique is always the same.

Also, so I don’t double post.

Mini-update 8/10:

  • Patreon login fixed (make sure the Alchemizer works because the temporary link is going down in a week)
  • SRS Changes:
    • Level 1 reduced from 4 → 2 hours. I feel like this is just more flexible. It’s a nightmare when you go to bed without getting a chance to review your new words.

Ah, thank you - I sometimes forget to do lessons until the evening, and then it’s too late. Plus I like that a 2-hour interval feels more like a drill.

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Ye, it really messes with your accuracy. I’m thinking of dropping the second level from 8-> 6 hours as well, that way you can do the first two levels even if you don’t start your lessons until the afternoon. I’ll see how the current timings feel first though.


By the way, totally useless idea that would only be to sate my own curiosity, but have you thought of a sort of leaderboard system for words learned? Or levels like wk has that you increase by learning new words? Im curious to see what other people have gotten out of the site so far and I feel like gamification works pretty well in general for keeping people on top of their studies. People love seeing numbers go up.

Even though it wouldnt be for a while anyways, I was curious if you were open to that sorta thing.

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I’ve actually been tracking an experience stat right from the start. :wink:

I think anyway, I’ve never actually checked if it was tracking properly lol. I was hoping that I could get something set up before university starts.

Aw, dammit, but my total goes down every time I learn a word subsequently in WK!

I’d actually rather (/in addition) see something like ‘progress through book’, I think :thinking: because then you would obviously do better if you knew more words already and were a fast reader, but you couldn’t exactly game it by just adding a bunch of words you already knew to your lessons.

And that’s why I never remove them :crazy_face:
I don’t want the number to go down!

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I’m not quite there yet (only level 5 here) but I look forward to using this awesome resource. お疲れ様でした。


By the way @Raionus, did you change the number of undo on the phone? (It’s been a while since the last time I did floflo on my phone). It used to start with 3, but I’m almost sure I started with 2 :thinking:

Yeah I forgot to put it into the beta SRS. It’s in now.

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Update 8/11

Finally changed the SRS to show tags instead of a text box

Gonna write a post about how much time you save sticking to the same series vs switching series at some point soon-ish.


Hey, another mendokusai request comin’ in hot from yaboi.

99% sure someone already asked, but is being able to see the entire list of a book straight away a possibility? I’d like to just clear all the words I already know so I can get a more realistic idea of how many words I have left to learn in a book. Makes it all the easier to set my pace to finish before a certain date and whatnot.