Feeling the kanji

Similar kanji are definitely the main reason why people “hit a wall” after X kanji, where X will vary greatly. You must get things like 技枝 straight, but when you acquired a “kanji eye” the difference will be clear as day (like getting ⽊ vs. 手 wrong).

Then there are kanji where the “right side” looks similar like 倫偏備, but they often appear in several kanji (like 侖倫輪論 and 扁編遍偏) so you have a benefit to remember the kanji as compounds of only two elements instead of the occasional 4–5 WK radicals that mainly confuse.

The final ones are one-off oddballs like 微徴, your only chance is to see them at the same time or you might have a pair of leeches forever.

You should use my script to spot problematic kanji early before you discover that learning by “rough shape” was not sufficient for a kanji.