First of all, thanks for the WK Customizer and WebData applications. They are both amazing!
I’d like to propose you a new feature that I think can be really useful for a lot of people. The thing is that, as I level up and kanji become more complex, I’m starting to have problems because I confuse some of them that look similar, and I’m afraid that it will get worst and worst. Some examples are: 他 and 地 or 社and 礼 or 末 and 未.
My idea is that, when the user fails giving the right answer to a kanji meaning, the extension searches for the list of the kanji the user is supposed to know and, if it finds a kanji that corresponds to the answer given, it shows a message like that:
i REALLY like this idea, i recently had a problem with 石 and 右 now when i look at them together i can easily see the difference, but when they were showing up 2 or 3 minutes apart, i kept mixing them up…i know level two problems but seeing what i thought was right, and what was really right can be appreciated…so is just getting it right the first time
This is a great idea, and definitely something I’ve wished for in some capacity. However, I think it’s a little outside the scope of the extension - it seems more ideal to be included in WaniKani itself. A “watch out for similar kanji” section in the item info page, and returning the reading for similar kanji with a special note (like your request) would be ideal, and not easily done through the extension. For instance, many kanji share readings so a list of likely mixups for each one would be necessary.
Viet has mentioned on a few occasions that he may add a “notes” section soon, which would serve as a reasonable placeholder in lieu though… I guess what I’m saying is we should propose the idea to him instead!
Any thoughts on maybe only showing you the comparison after messing up two(three?) times? Similar to how it may force you to retake a lesson if you mess up a few times in a row, thats where the comparison portion could show up.
Because if there are always two or three Kanji being presented at the same time then it might reinforce mix ups for many people(not everyone).
first attempt- testing second attempt- benefit of the doubt third attempt- whoah there buddy looks like your messing up along these lines 石and右 can you see the difference? click on the hyperlink and see the radicals used(and the kanji could be hyperlinked to its page)
Dylan said...
Any thoughts on maybe only showing you the comparison after messing up two(three?) times? Similar to how it may force you to retake a lesson if you mess up a few times in a row, thats where the comparison portion could show up.
Because if there are always two or three Kanji being presented at the same time then it might reinforce mix ups for many people(not everyone).
first attempt- testing second attempt- benefit of the doubt third attempt- whoah there buddy looks like your messing up along these lines 石and右 can you see the difference? click on the hyperlink and see the radicals used(and the kanji could be hyperlinked to its page)
Sounds good. I have no idea how this would work though, and I feel Kiko is right when he says that this would be better included as part of Wanikani itself.
You don’t know how much I raged when I found out that 牛 and 午 were different just by a little tick at the top. This would be very, very helpful all Wanikani users.
Rgf123 said...
You don't know how much I raged when I found out that 牛 and 午 were different just by a little tick at the top. This would be very, very helpful all Wanikani users.
(P.S. I'm not looking forwards to 末 and 未...)
Oh, don't get me started on the jets. *rages about jets*