Express yourself (Adjectives game)

No matter who we are talking/writing to, we are describing things how wee see them.
That’s why adjectives are crucial.

I mean, if you encountered a police officer and your friend asks you about it, it wouldn’t be the same to talk about the かわいい警察さん vs the 怖い警察さん
Or to talk about the 寂しい蟹 you saw in the beach vs the 優しい蟹 you saw in the forest

you don’t wish to take a criticism 苦いですね as a praise 若いですね
you don’t want to fix the wrong thing on your guest’s dish (辛いです vs 固いです)
And the list goes on…

It makes a world of difference

And thinking of ways to practice is how I remembered the existence of this drinking game (NSFW)…

My [insert genital name] is [adjective starting with the letter of the alphabet in your turn]

But there are more important things in life that we want to describe, so I adapted the game with these rules:

  • Use the structure: ‘[pronoun] の [noun] は/が [adjective] です’ or
    ‘[adjective][particle][noun]’ or
    feel free to adapt depending on the adjective(s) used, keep it simple.
  • It says adjective but you can also use onomatopoeia, colours, feelings, … or any kind of word that can describe the object
  • Only the adjective has to start with the hiragana assigned to your turn
  • You choose the noun/object you want (let your imagination fly within the rules of the WK community)
  • If an adjective starting with the hiragana in your turn doesn’t exist, skip to the next one (e.g.:
    を, ん)
  • If for example き is in your turn, you can also use ぎ, ぎゃ, ぎゅ, ぎょ instead
  • We’re following this hiragana order for the adjectives ( あ, い, う, え, お, … then repeat)

And next thing who knows, this could be the opportunity to turn your biggest fear into a joke :zap:

I’ll start:

私のお茶は熱いです わたしのおちゃはあついです My tea is hot

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私の妹は(うらや)ましいです。My sister is jealous (i hope that’s right (^-^ ') )
In Cidada’s game, you go through the hiragana ‘alphabet’ with the starting character of your adjective in your sentence. Cicada’s adjective started with あ((あつ)い). Then the next person takes (if we use the chart on the OP) the character to the right, い. So then Oshin 's adjective should begin with い (it’s fine though, you did everything else right and did your best : ) you likely shouldn’t have to change it.), then mine with う, the next person お, then onto the next line, か. and so on until the end of the alphabet. Did I help?

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(ねこ)()はかわいい kittens are cute

I don’t know how important to this is to the game (like whether the goal is to just use lots of adjectives or use them naturally) but one thing might impact some of them.

Generally speaking, you don’t use unmodified adjectives that describe another person or being’s internal thoughts or feelings, because they can’t be known to you with certainty.

So you can use 〜そう or 〜がる etc, to talk about those kinds of things.

For instance 寂しそう or 寂しがる to describe someone as lonely.

Of course, this is an extra layer of difficulty in adjective usage, which I’m not sure was in the scope of the thread.


I’m not good at grammar myself, but I suppose as long as you know the words, even the natives could piece together what you’re trying to say :thinking:

温泉が気持ちいい おんせんがきもちいい The hot spring feels good

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They definitely would know what you’re saying. It would just be unnatural (or overly direct). Just something to think about with adjectives.


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